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It's a pretty dumb question because it can't be answered, bu still.


Life sucks!

I have thought about commitng suicide since I was 12.

I started geting depressions when I was 16 and havn't had real friends since and girlfriends is only sometihng others have. My father is insane, he tried to commit suicide when I was still a baby and gets pills to stay away from bad thoughts. My fathers father hang him self soon before I got born and more in my family has bad mental problems.

It has not been found out why we feel like we do and that sucks.

Pain that you can't explain. I cut my self, hits the wall, listen to sad music, drown my pain and thoughts in alcohol. Bla bla bla.

I whine and have a lot of selfpitty.


Life really sucks, so why is it so hard to end it?

Because I am standing in greyzone.

Life also gives me good things like the beauty of sunsets, Jazz and blues.


I don't believe that a shrink can help me.

What I need is some good friends, a girlfriend and some drugs to keep the dark clouds away, because they always ruin everything.


I think of death as peace. When you are dead you don't excist any more.

By the way, if you have never excisted, can you then be dead?


I don't expect life to be easy, but I don't understand why life has to be that painfull, that lonely, just that way. Why?

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I urge you to go to a professional counselor to help you with these intense feelings of depression. Only a professional can prescribe something that will help you. I used to think that medicine couldn't help certain people but I have seen the difference it made in someone very close to me. It's like night and day. The medical field has come a long way.


Even the darkest of days can become better with the right kind of help. It's your responsibility to get that help, and there is always someone else worse off than you, I guarantee it.


I wish you luck.

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Hello Final cut, I've felt the same way too many times, wondering about death and if I'm not already there.


Therapy should help for the depression, but you also must consider that certain things are beyond us to understand, if you try to, you'll only drive yourself crazy.


Don't put the value of life in others, sure, the sunrise/sunset can make any day worth "living" but friends, a girl, those are human beings that change and are independent from us, we cannot build a happiness around them because, as you know, they can just disappear one day and where would that leave us?.


Find what's really missing inside you, but don't question the reasons for it happening, right now, right here there isn't an answer for every question.

Best Wishes.

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SMILE! go and find some dumb joke ( or what ever ). SOMETHING to make you SMILE A chemicle that he brain produces will actually make you feel better! You could also sit down with a piece of paper and list all of the "negative" things that you do. Select 1/5 of the list for this week (or a suitable ammt) and do the opposite. I also suggest seeing a professional. Ive been, and its truly great!

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a good reason not to kill urself is because u never know what gonna happen next and when i think about why im living or why i should b here i remind myself i could help sum1 and i wanna go through with the goals i have set for myself and thats what gets me through life.u never no whats behide the next coner

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I urge you to go to a professional counselor to help you with these intense feelings of depression. Only a professional can prescribe something that will help you. I used to think that medicine couldn't help certain people but I have seen the difference it made in someone very close to me. It's like night and day. The medical field has come a long way.


Even the darkest of days can become better with the right kind of help. It's your responsibility to get that help, and there is always someone else worse off than you, I guarantee it.


I wish you luck.


I will be having my first meeting with a Dr. Young on the 17th this month. Quite frankly, I don't see how am I to be helped when it's a flaw of character along with other issues. The mentioned Dr. Young is educated and he's a proffessional of his field. Still, that idea doesn't assure me of anything. I'm skeptical of the ability of a psychiatrist. So I was just curious as to what changes does it have on that close-someone you've mentioned.

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Its really up to you to decided whether it will help you or not. Will you let someone help you? or will just ignore their words?



People can only show you the door.



Its up to you to walk through it.



if you decide your going to be depressed for the rest of your life, then you probobly will.


Its your decision

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im a chrisitian but im not gana tell you to be one or shove the bible in your face i don do that BUT killing you self wont do a thing umm cuting your self wont do a thing drinking and taking drugs wont do a thing, you have to think about you life and you have to choose you own way were you want to go and wat you want to do and i STRONGLY agree wit tobereleased its up to you to decide if you want to be depresed all your life you mined is stronger than you u make it think you want to be depressed and thats wat you will get if u make it think you want to be happy u will be happy fined the good things in life and use THEM forget about the past look to the future go to a church and tell them your problem they will help good luck.

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