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2 month BU- In 2 Days I will see him to talk about getting back together- Hope:)

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I can't believe it has been nearly 2 months since our break up...........I am getting pretty nervous to see my ex on Saturday, and especially knowing that he wants to get back together, and how he said it was so wrong that he broke it off, and he will do anything to make it right again with me. I do plan to hold him to those actions of showing me and not words of telling me what he will do for me and for this relationship to be worked out.


I never thought that I would ever be posting this email because my heart was shattered into a million pieces when our relationship ended. (his doing). but, I am soooo happy also that he realized the mistake he made and wants to fix the wrong he did. But, now my challenge is make sure he knows that he will NEVER hurt me again the way he did by leaving. I know this break up was mostly because it was a LDR and it was hard at times. But, I plan to tell him that we need to move forward and not go back to the same place or ways. We need to make a real commitment to each other like getting a place together that is in between us or maybe if he wants to move my way etc.... All I know is that I am very grateful for the chance that we can work this out....


I wanted to thank everyone here for all their help over the past two months. I listened to your all suggestions of NC and moving on, and I never broke NC once. And I was moving on, and I never begged or chased him to come back etc... He came back all on his own free will and terms...etc.... So, now I have the choice/chance to listen to why he left and decide how I want to play the hand that is being delt to me.


I hope all of you find happiness and peace in your hearts. Remember when a door shuts a window opens. You just never know what will happen from one day to the next

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Thats definitely good news for you. All i could say is first off, expect the best but be prepared for the worst because you just dont know what hes thinking and how hes feeling. Secondly, just be careful. He left before, he can do it again. Except now he knows that if he leaves you will take him back. In any case though, good luck!

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This is so good to hear, I really hope it works out for you My ex also left me because of the ldr but I keep hoping he will contact me again I told him we could not be friends though because it was too painful and it has been 15 days since I last spoke to him and it is killing me You say you went 2 months before contacting him and then he contacted you? How did he make contact and what did he say?

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