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one nagging question left

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Hey guys, my story is in my history if u want the details. I really just want opinions on one nagging issue. Nc is 3 weeks in and permanent.


I want to know if I was being crazy...


So, in the beginning of our relationship the ex and I were planning little weekend trips. One place was suggested by me (almost positive) but never followed through upon. That place was never mentioned again by either of us, nor mentioned after the breakup.


I know this girl is passive aggressive from my time helping her through the breakup with an ex before me. My history has a few of these perceived instances in it.


Fast fwd to now. She had previously gotten extremely upset about me working on the issues I had when we were together. Working out was one of them. I thought this was all behind us as we had been friendly.


Long and short? Some pictures of me found their way on to facebook looking better than ever with no shirt on. I had really let myself go with her and getting my body back was a necessary step in me becoming happy and confident again.


We had not spoken in a few days when she let the world know 3 times in a weekend that she was going on a trip to the place I mentioned before. This hurt. I assumed part of it was to rub her new relationship in my face since she had literally never mentioned this trip again, even the last time we spoke before those pictures surfaced.


This is what sent me over the nc mountain. I took it personally, thinking that if we were going to play these games with each other there was no hope of getting along. I know its pointless to ask, but I am anyway. Do u think this is a coincidence? It was just such a random choice, and she has been very public about the new guy in the same ways she was about me early on. I turned out to be a rebound....I know she's happy with him, but this made me think of anger she harbored for her old ex months into our relationship that really drug me down. I didn't want my progress to make her bitter and mad, causing the same problems with the new guy so I took her off fbook so she can't see anything I do.


What say u ena? Was I reading too much into nothing?

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I don't think it was a coincidence. I had the same issue - trips we were going to take, places we used to eat, etc. Eventually I thought about it and the new gf is actually getting left-overs from our relationship. She may not know it, but she is... My ex is a creature of habit and is not sentimental about things like that nor is he sensitive to things like that...


So it used to bother me but now I just let it go - let them do whatever they want. I am focusing on making new memories and new places to go and I am not going to let my ex and his new gf dictate whether or not I am happy.


And now I wonder if my ex's first wife felt the same way. I probably had her leftovers too... Someday if I see her again I will apologize, because now I understand. (They were divorced just before I met him).


Be sure to block her FB account so that you will not continue to torture yourself with what she is doing... I know it is tempting to check out what she is doing, but you have to be strong and stay away from that so that you can heal. Concentrate on a healthy happy wonderful life for yourself and keep yourself busy with all kinds of fun activities!

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