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Ladies...TOO tanned?


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My friends have been commenting lately on how friggin tanned I've gotten. I'm not like..Jersey Shore tanned, but I have some damn good color on me. Not just a farmer's tan either


So anyways, I was out fishing all day and that's when my mind wanders. My question is, can a guy be TOO tanned? Would you consider the Jersey Shore guys (I know I know, bad example) to be offputting because of (some of their) tans? Or would you just prefer a guy not to be more tanned than you?


No clue where this question came from, but just humor me!

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Well, there's a difference between a natural tan and a fake and bake and I can definitely tell the difference!! Natural tans have never been off-putting to me, especially when you've gotten it from something as innocuous as fishing.


I don't really think about whether he is or is not more tanned than I am... I cannot comment on the Jersey shore guys since I've never seen the show.

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I can't say that I've ever thought of telling someone they are too tan in the summer. Maybe all the fake "winter tan" ....yah. What does come to mind are the years I was a CNA and the folks that spent way to much time in the sun and in the older years their skin looked like leather. IDK...that's just what comes to mind.

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I can't say that I've ever thought of telling someone they are too tan in the summer. Maybe all the fake "winter tan" ....yah. What does come to mind are the years I was a CNA and the folks that spent way to much time in the sun and in the older years their skin looked like leather. IDK...that's just what comes to mind.


I moisturize 3 times a day. Yeah, I get a lot of sun haha. I'm going to be so pissed if I end up peeling because of one day of stupidity or something. Went through about half a bottle of sunscreen today...but those fish aren't going to catch themselves!


Thanks for the responses so far

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I can't safely say that I don't like guys that are 'too tanned' in the sense that they go OUT of their way to tan, i.e., spend hours lying in the sun trying to get a tan, going to solariums, or using fake tan. I just think going out of your way to get a really dark tan is silly and unhealthy. Skin cancer anyone? Melanoma is a huge problem here in Oz so it's off-putting when people go out of their way to get a tan or don't use sun protection! However, if it's a natural, healthy tan, I don't see a problem Nothing wrong with a HEALTHY tan!

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Nothing wrong with how a tan LOOKS, but deep tanning all the time will lead to skin that looks as wrinkly and lumpy as shoe leather later in live. If you tan a lot, then as you age, you may look much older than your years because of the sun damage.


Remember that the sun is radiation, so tanning is actually indicating the skin's attempt to protect itself from too much radiation and damage. But the damage IS being done.


You have to live your life and enjoy things without constant worrying about that, but you should probably try to be reasonable about how often you do it and do wear sun protection like hats to shade your face cover up after an hour or so without a shirt.

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You don't even have to get burnt to get skin cancer. All tanning is skin cells in trauma!




"Tanning is skin cells in trauma, trying to protect themselves from cancer. But one damaged cell can start a melanoma growing. At just one millimetre deep, it can get into your bloodstream and spread. So even if a melanoma is cut out, the cancer can reappear months or years later, often in your lung, liver or brain. And you haven't even started to burn yet. There's nothing healthy about a tan."


That ad is pretty damn effective.

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I don't think I have a preference (I'm super pale anyway), but in my head I dislike guys who intentionally sit out and tan, even if it's not too dark or look unnatural for summer. That said, both guys I've dated intentionally went out to tan!

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