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I've decided I don't care anymore.


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It's been a few months since my breakup. I'd be lying if I said I didn't love my ex anymore and it'd be useless to pretend I did. I've started seeing a new guy and I'm excited to see where it goes but, that's not what made me "give up". Today, as I pondered the last few months I realized I was dealing with things much better than he is/had. I accepted our split with dignity and left with little to no groveling while he chose to act like a child, refuse communication on a basic level regarding simple things like property exchange and so on. Now, 5 months later I see he's in a new relationship and I'm not phased. I love him but, I realize his inability to deal with me and his emotions will be a huge factor in how his new relationship plays out. I chose to handle things as they happened and he chose to avoid them. Perhaps he'll never really "hurt" like I did. Maybe he'll come running back some day,who knows. What I do know is that I don't want to date a child who can't handle his emotions and doesn't communicate his concerns. I miss him. I do but, I'm at peace. I suppose this thread is really about the fact that it DOES get better. I know I still want and love my ex but, I can see he's not ready for any type of relationship I might want. One who passes blame entirely on another person shouldn't be allowed in romantic relationships. ever. period. So, you will feel better. It won't come fast and it won't be easy but, it will happen.


Heads up people!

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Yeah. The sad thing is, he and I worked really well together. Now that time has passed I don't even see why we broke up as being a giant issue in the first place. There was a reason we planned to marry and it was because we genuinely worked. However, we're both young and while I may have been ready, he was more ready to find someone else. He'll probably return at some point and maybe we'll see how things go but, as much as I care about him, I'm happy to stop caring enough that I don't feel heartbroken anymore. It's a good place to be and I'm glad I dealt with things when I did.

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You sure you're in the right head space to date?
I'm not the type to deny feelings I hold for someone. I love my ex dearly but, he's not someone I want in my life right now. He's not acting as the person I thought he was and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. I'm not going to shy away from other romantic relationships because I still care deeply for my ex. At this point though, it's a caring for his general well-being, the same way I'd love my best friend. Yes, he and I have a past but I feel that if I let him continue that hold I'll never truly "move on" and I don't believe people ever really do. If I really loved him, I always will. So yes, I'm ready to date. This new guy is great, he's completely different from my ex and it's exciting to experience the start of something fresh.
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You sure you're in the right head space to date?


Dude, be happy for her, she has come a long way. All those negativity under the disguise of "being realistic" does not help anyone, especially you.


E, good work, I am proud of you girl! Good luck in your life

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I still care deeply about men who I have had good relationships with and who meant a lot to me. That does not stop me in any way from deeply loving someone new. I generally never talk to them again, what's past is past and NC for me is most often for life, but I always wish them well in my heart.

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