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Which of these personalities do you prefer in a friend?


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The options will be fairly black and white but we are dealing with two very opposite personalities here:


Option 1: more concerned with impressing people, tries to act smooth and tell interesting stories even if the stories are lies and will control conversations, very confident but also arrogant, will easily snap at people or correct them if they feel they have been wronged (for example: pointing out every time they are cut off in conversation even if it was unintentional), they have more of a temper and do not try to control this emotion


Option 2: not very concerned with impressing people so what you see is what you get, is more likely to listen to conversation and include input when they have something interesting to say but often isn't given a chance to speak, has confidence but is much more empathetic and humble, is slow to judge and possibly overly forgiving (will often not stand up for themselves to save the peace), may become mellow from sadness but is generally very kind and slow to anger


I don't think either of these options are ideal but one is said to make friends easily while the other does not. But, which would you be more likely to make friends with? Why? How would you read these people?


One reason I ask is because I think there is a possibility people respect those who are more aggressive or see them as more real. At this point, I'm really not sure.

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Hmm. I'd probably make a superficial acquaintance with the first, and a more genuine friend with the second (depending on what we had in common). I cannot deal with people who have anger issues if that anger is pointed toward me, so the first person would probably be cut out of my life after the first real display.

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