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GF ignoring/breaking up with me over a girl she hates from highschool???


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So my GF is ignoring me. Calls, texts & email all go unanswered. After 3+ years together I'm not sure what to think about this situation. I guess I thought we were past this kind of behavior.


We've been doing the distance thing for a couple of weeks now. I moved back to our hometown to look for work but am supposed to go back to move her/ the rest of our stuff out this weekend. Things were going pretty good I thought, been keeping in contact through many forms of communication throughout each day.


Suddenly, about two hrs ago I start getting weird texts from her about my ex posting something on my FB. Sure enough, my ex, who I was over before dating current GF, commented on a pic I posted of my towel from when I went swimming today. It was a completely harmless comment and the first we've interacted in over two years.


GF calls me and is livid to the point where she is not making any sense, not yelling but speaking in jumbled phrases and sentence fragments, like the voice mails I used to get from my schizophrenic friend. I gather that she is now angry over a comment posted by another girl (again, a harmless comment, essentially "looks like you had fun"). Now this is not a girl I have ever been romantically interested in, nor her me to the best of my knowledge. She even has a fiance.


Now the focus of the anger is all about girl #2 and how she was mean to GF in highschool. She demands I pick between the two of them.


I refuse, nobody can tell me who I'm allowed to be friends with and this has never been an issue in the past as I have been friends with girl #2 for longer than I have known my GF (who knows this). I also point out that many people have done crappy things in HS but that is the past. GF then accuses me of being a tormenter of others in my own HS and "choosing [girl #2] over me". At this point I ask if GF has ever asked any of the other people who are friends with her and girl #2, apparently she has but they refused (yet remain friends???) but for us this is a deal-breaker. I plead with her to calm down.


At this point I get hung up on for the third and final time and enter the current situation of 'ignorization'.


I texted her friend who lives down the street from GF to please check on her (this is really really weird behavior bordering on mental illness).


Friend is over there now, says GF is ok. Yet I remain in the dark.


I don't even fully understand what happened or where it came from.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know if I still have a GF.

I don't even know why I wrote it all down.

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It sounds like your girlfriend has control issues and some instability. I would wait until she's had time to calm down, then try to talk to her as a rational adult. If she is incapable of holding a conversation without threats and screaming, then I think it's really best to cut your losses.

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Is this abnormal behavior for her?


No, not normal, but not exactly the first time either.



Next day update:


Sure enough she contacts me this morning as if nothing happened, denies she ever broke up with me (happened 3x), then blames drinking too much. Not even an apology, just silence as I explain my side of what happened.


I'm having none of it. Completely ignoring what for me is a major issue and blame-shifting is not gonna fly here, it's not the first time she's used the alcohol excuse either. Told her not to contact me until I drive down on Saturday. Going NC until then.


UPDATE: Finally got an apology text. I'm holding NC.


Not sure where we stand.

And so the limbo continues. . .


Determined to have a normal day!

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