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Is this sexually wrong..??

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Hi, I am 17 and new to this group. I stay with my aunt. I lost my virginity very recently to my aunts boyfriend in our house. I loved it very much. After a few days we three started having sex together, I am enjoying our sex a lot. We try out a lot and we all enjoy.

But when we three start to play, my aunt starts to play with me and even me with her we kiss all over our bodies and more. Is something wrong with me or my aunt..?? are we turning into gays..??

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That's a very um...interesting lifestyle....

*BUT* If you get sexual enjoyment from another woman touching you in those sorts of ways, be it your aunt or some friend of yours then yeah you could be. If you're attracted to your aunt then signs point to you being homosexual to some degree. On another note... I'm not a very big incest fan, are you sure you know what you're doing? Plus...a threesome is fine if that's what you choose but with your aunt and her bf? I think that's a little extreme.


Sorry if I judged the situation...it's just suprising. But yes, I do believe it's wrong, sexually and morally.

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Discovering one's sexuality can be a beautiful thing as long as you in no way,

shape or form feel pressured into taking part in acts that make you feel uncomfortable ie another woman, threesomes etc..

I would stress caution however at having your 'family' involved as this could fall under the category of incest.

Can I ask how old your aunt and her boyfriend are? Maybe there is more to their situation than you realise and they could be taking advantage of your innocence and trust.

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my aunt is 28 years old and her boyfriend around the same age. now a days we three meet most of the time and they say that they are feeling more exited after I joined them. To be frank I dont have any problems I really started enjoying and they are so nice to me they never force me for anything. He does all the things he does to my aunt.


She kisses my lips when I am getting f***ed or lets me kiss her pus*y, my only concern was if these things make me turn into a gay.

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She kisses my lips when I am getting f***ed or lets me kiss her pus*y, my only concern was if these things make me turn into a gay.


It's not these things that will turn you gay/bisexual. Having another woman kiss you will not turn you bi. Bisexuality is something that comes from yourself, so a better way to phrase it is...if you enjoy being kissed on the lips by another woman, you may be bi.


I'm not going to say anything about the incest part. Personally, I don't believe any of that stuff matters. What I want to make sure is that you don't commit too much of your emotions into what you have right now and just focus on the physical enjoyment, because chances are your aunt and her boyfriend will never be able to give you the emotional half of a relationship.


So explore your sexuality and discover more, but don't get attached!

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As others have stated as long as you are not being pressured into anything then who am I to judge, however, morally incest is not a good thing. Strange in my opinion in the fact I could never even think about doing that with a family member.


I am also concerned because you never mention your age. Please tell me you are of legal age to let this happen, otherwise this could be a very serious situation and one that you need to make sure that you are not being taken advantage of.


My 2 cents.

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Um, I would say that being in a threesome is okay. And doing so with people you trust is always key. The only problem as others have stated is the whole incest thing. and if you are turned on by playing with your aunt or kissing her, then more than likely you are bi-sexual. Real thing is if you are happy, then what does it matter? Only one you should be concerned with is really yourself. Are you getting everything you want out of this particular venture? Are you being hurt or used in anyway, emotionally or physically? If the answers to these questions are what you want then. Screw it, as long as no one is getting hurt, do what you want.

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Well the situation is strange and probably not healthy for you since it is your first sexual experience. You made a big leap by getting into threesomes pretty early in your sex life. I am also concerned about what your aunt is thinking, she seems kinds suspect to me. I dont see incest as a healthy or good thing, but ultimately it is your choice. It is a situation that i would recommend getting out of and finding a bf or friend that you can have sex with and experiment what different things. Sexuality is looked at differently i dont see it as straight, gay or bi. Sexuality is a spectrum, there are certain activities that straight people would do that others would consider gay or bisexual. People have different things they are into sexually and your sexual orientation means what you are attracted to not necessarily the activities you do.

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Obviously this is just me personal opinion, but to me it's unnatural enough that a woman would be okay with her boyfriend having sex with someone else... I can't imagine how she'd be okay with it being her niece! And on top of that, you're getting sexual with your AUNT! Doesn't that strike you as quite a bit off color?! Everyone has different preferences and circumstances, but from here I'd have to say it's pretty wrong.

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You can't "turn" gay...I believe it's genetic. Your sexual preference is hard-wired into your brain, and I question if it can be tampered with.


Only other thing I have to say is you state that you're 17. If the wrong people find out this is going on, you are under 18 and technically a minor. You probably won't get in trouble, but your aunt and her bf will probably have some hell to pay.

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being 17 doesnt mean she's a minor everywhere, canada is 14, england 16 america is 18 i believe in most states. Im just making a guess but they'll be the countrys most likely in concern.


You can't "turn" gay...I believe it's genetic. Your sexual preference is hard-wired into your brain, and I question if it can be tampered with.


Your sexuality is partly 'coded' its in the chemicals produced while growing up high estrogen and low testosterone makes a more female mind which grows more attracted to a male the other way round makes a male brain attracted to a female but sexuality is also based on experiance, if you was spanked as a baby when you unconsciously played with yourself then your more likely to assosiate pain with sex so your going to be more into rough sex and bondage and the works.

so if you hated your dad but your mum was nice to you all the time you may feel more affection to females or you could just end up looking for a man completely opposite to your father and like friends like your mother.


hope this helps

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