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She is desperate for me back, but I'm seeing somebody else.

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8 months ago, she broke up with me, we were both each other's first love.


Nothing was that bad in our relationship, she thought that I wasn't treating her like I should which I do understand. I was devastated and really wanted to stay together but she just wasn't ready.


3 months later I meet a great girl out, and we start sleeping together (we both knew that's all it was). I was still in love with my ex. As time has gone on, the new girl and I have become closer and closer, and have got to a stage where we do like each other.


2 months ago, my ex told me that she wants me back, I told her of the new girl and told her I was unsure. For 2 months I have been stressed about this decision and have changed my mind so many times. I feel terrible for both of the girls.


I really trust my ex and I know how much she loves me. The new girl is a lot more confident and I'm not sure if we are as compatible as my ex and I. After a few little signs that the new girl isn't as trustworthy I stupidly told me ex that we can get back together after I end it with the new girl. The thing is I just can't end it with the new girl because I really really like her too. When I told my ex that now I'm I'm not sure I can end it with current girl, she got so upset and asked me to never talk to her again.


I know this makes me sound like a jerk, but I really didn't mean it to be like this. This is all I think about 24/7 and choosing one and losing one is just too hard.


I know this is a terrible thing that i am doing, but i needed to put this down and see if anybody can help.

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I don't think any of us can make that decision for you.


Maybe you should ask yourself why exactly she broke up with you in the first place and what changes do you think you have made that would keep her from ending the relationship with you a second time?

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i think for now stop talking to your ex and concentrate on your current girlfriend and see how you go... if you'r meant to be with you ex then the future wil bring u togethr... but for now ur relationship wit her is broken so let it be... she broke up wit u before and there is a high possibility that she'l do it again... i think she's just jealous that u've gt a newgirlfriend and wants to destroy that relationship, kinda controlling u in a very indirect way... just show her ur strength she let u go so be gone!!! its her loss and she has to learn from that

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I think you should be with neither of them. Clearly this new girl was a rebound. You have been unfair to her as well as to your ex. I think some time being single might be in order so that you can really have time to reflect on your wishy washy behaviour. Nothing has really changed. Your relationship ended because your ex felt like you weren't treating her as you should...and from the get-go you weren't treating your new gf like you should (your heart not really into it). Now you have two women at the same time that you are not treating properly. How about having no women so that you take some time to work on your own issues and why you can't really give of yourself to women you are in a relationship with.

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Gotta agree with the others, 3 months is not nearly enough time to heal from a first love. Now you are in a situation where you stand to hurt this new girl you are seeing.


You jumped quickly into this new "relationship" and didnt give yourself enough time to truly move past it. So now you have been "seeing" this new girl for 5 months, stringing her along the whole time, and stringing your ex along for 2.


I know you probably wont choose being single, but beyond that, only you can make that decision, just remember its more than just your feelings at stake.

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