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Found out my 4 month relationship was based on a lie


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>>Never confuse how someone treats you with your intrinsic worth.




One month after a four month relationship, I'm sure you were well on your way to putting him in the past. This news blurb just came at a very inopportune time, and it's set you back a bit. Just think of this as a bump in the road, and use it to your advantage in the healing process. Don't waste your time analyzing why he did what he did. Don't take his words or actions personally. You took out the trash - you just recently found out how rotten the trash was.


You are a good person, and you deserve a real relationship with another good person. Use your combined knowledge to watch out for warning signs in the future, and press on. I wish you the best.

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what a butthead. (wish i could curse here). I've had boyfriends like that, i trust that they are just friends, and they aren't. but you know what? that's their problem, not mine. I trust and i will continue to trust. don't let him take that away from you. You'll just move slower next time and keep those senses sharp. thank God is was only 4 months.

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Thanks guys you've made me feel loads better


In general im so much happier being single and without him, I've made more friends, got more of a social life, spending more time with friends and family, spending more time reading books and playing games I like


My mum even said to me I seem so much happier and healthier since I became single

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