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I'm about to be CUT-OFF.

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You wont make it in this world without the attitude you have. It's really unbelievable. You want the nice lifestyle with plenty of spending cash? You get a degree in something that you KNOW will get you a well paying job so you can enjoy those luxuries. Even THEN we all have to start somewhere. Get moving and learn what SACRIFICE means before you end up with nothing and no one. Everyone has to sacrifice something to get another. Life is full of trade offs. I want to be a mom but I also want to sleep in every morning. Not gonna happen. I want an easy part time stress free

job but I also want to live in a mansion. Not gonna happen either! No way around it, gotta choose.


Get deciding what you really want out of your life and stop letting these ridiculous little things keep you from getting it. You really can't have your cake and eat it too.


Time and money have been on your side your whole life, but you chose not to make the best of either of them and now here you are.

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Well, to be honest, it's the whole FRUGAL lifestyle that scares me. I just can't do that.

Then you won't survive and you'll never achieve your dream job. You might be able to enjoy that lifestyle down the road once you make it (and you CAN make it), but at the start you HAVE to make sacrifices.


I eat OUT pretty much every day. I do that because A. I don't like cooking or cleaning B. I need an excuse not to be in my house, I get extremely bored.

I don't like cooking, either. Especially for one. But eating out is REALLY expensive and generally unhealthy - learn a couple easy meals you can do at home. Scrambled eggs + toast, quesadillas, grilled chicken are some of my fav's... shoot, just go to Trader Joe's and clear out their frozen food section and you've got a bunch of easy-to-do meals that are cheaper than eating out and, in my opinion, pretty damn good.


Also, a job will give you a reason to get out of the house.


Having less money means not doing anything. That just seems so miserable. My roommates can't/don't go out because they don't have the money to spend. This is the LIFE I FEAR. I think I will have to go that route and I'm going to be depressed every single day until I get the job I want. I don't think I'll make it in this world if I can't find a part-time job that's going to equal my current lifestyle. That's the difficult part! Ugh... TIME is not on my side.

You might be surprised what you can do for little to no money, even in LA. Make some sandwiches and go to the beach. Go to the mountains and hike. Just bike around all over the place. There are free museums everywhere. You live in the city with some of the most consistently "good" weather in the world, get out and enjoy it! Netflix is a super cheap option compared to going to the movies all the time, you just have to be willing to wait a little while to see the movies you want. Besides, if you have cable, TV typically has far better stories than features right now, anyway. You might not like it as much as what you do right now but... damn, man. You have to make some sacrifices NOW to get started, and I guarantee you will be happier in the long run.


But all in all, you seem to be so stuck on what you can't do that you are blind to what you can.

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I know...I've been down this road before. I had a job for about 4 years. I just felt like my life was "dragging" so I just quit, and I was able to focus on my dream job. When I HAD my job, my parents weren't really giving that much money. When I did quit my job, my parents gave me about what I was making before. So, in my mind, nothing really changed except the actually "physical part of working." I was able to get out more and just enjoy the "little" things.

Ok...so, I guess I have to SUCK IT UP. Where am I suppose to get a job? It will have to be PART-TIME and VERY FLEXIBLE.


For music, I may be out of town, traveling on a tour. I had to do this for my internship. I've already made arrangements to be out of town from July 13th - 28th. I get treated the same as the band. I'm the roadie pretty much.

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Cool story bro. But seriously are you kidding? You need to smarten up buddy. I get you want to achieve your dream - but realistically you almost have no chance of this happening. Sorry to tell you. Use your degrees? What are they? If worse comes to worst lie to your parents. Tell them you're a big shot... and, * * * .. no, don't lie - grow some balls Peter Pan. 30 and Mommy and daddy still wipe your ass...


It's time to wake up pal - $8 an hour is better than $0 an hour...which is what you're making now.

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Dougie - it's time to get real with yourself.


If you've had two internships, been on two tours, etc., and weren't able to parlay that into a real job, then drop the pipe dream, because at this point, it ain't gonna happen.


Honestly, I think you use this as an excuse to not work and not move your life along. It's a lot easier to complain about why you can't find a job, etc., but clearly it's not the right industry for you. Many people pursue their dreams their whole life, which is fine. BUT, they also are smart enough and realistic enough to know it's a serious long shot, so they find work elsewhere while chasing the dream on the side.


I hear a lot of reasons why you can't work, which comes off like something a spoiled brat would say. You're too good/too over-qualified/too smart, etc. for any job above McDonald's. But the truth is that you're not actually qualified for much more.


What would you think if I posted that I was 30, and really wanted to be an actress, as it's the only thing that I ever enjoyed, and I worked two summers painting scenery and ushering in a Broadway playhouse, but beyond that, I haven't really ever worked, since my parents support me. I did have a job once as a spray girl at Macy's, but the other girls used to make fun of me behind my back and told my Mom that I didn't know how to spray people properly, and she agreed that I was dumb. So I kinda lost interest in working entirely and quit. Oh, and I'm 30.


Tell me - what would you advise me to do?

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Keep the internship, it will help lead to something bigger... but in the meantime, get a job. Any job. Be a waiter, get a job in retail, whatever. A "low-level" job sounds a hell of a lot less demeaning and depressing than living off your parents at age 30. Time to grow up and join the real world.

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I don't believe they will TOTALLY cut me off...just will not give me as much as what I'm used to.


Ariel--- No, this is THE industry for me. Those internships weren't advertised. They OFFERED it to me. I went to SXSW in 2010 and gave out biz cards for any opportunity. I expressed the fact I was interested in A&R work. One label owner e-mailed me and said "You want to do A&R work?" and I was like great! So I used the LABELS NAME to start talking and networking. I later figured out he wasn't going to pay me or even tell me what happened after the fact I gave him the bands.He used me...they all USE you. I talked to another label about a GENERAL SUMMER INTERNSHIP. I interviewed with them and told me I was OVERQUALIFIED. I didn't really know what that meant but I expressed A&R work. They CALLED ME OUT OF BLUE, 2 or 3 weeks later and OFFERED ME an A&R Internship. Remember, this was not even advertised or even EXISTED...because it was me and 13 other people who were EX-INTERNS, INTERNS, and STAFF MEMBERS including the BOSS. They LATER HIRED an outside A&R guy with BIG LABEL experience. Because I didn't have any MANAGEMENT under my belt and I was still "learning" they didn't hire me. So now, I'm with a MANAGEMENT team.


Honestly, NO one in this biz HIRES. I just have to set up charging for my OWN SERVICES. I already have bands that pay me to help them out and stuff but it's NOT career money. That's how my BOSSES make their money. They get a percentage or even charge upfront. It's like LAWN MOWING money....but if ONE band gets HUGE...I GET HUGE MONEY! hahaha! Maybe...until someone better snatches my position and I got to do it ALL over again!


I guess I got to find a crappy job and still try to have time to help out bands for extra cash, right? Maybe I have look at like that way? And not look for a SALARY type job in the biz!

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I guess I got to find a crappy job and still try to have time to help out bands for extra cash, right? Maybe I have look at like that way? And not look for a SALARY type job in the biz!


There you go, hon. Find a way to be financially independent, and pursue your dream on the side.

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I haven't read all the post here so this may have been said already.


Its time to put your big-boy pants on. Welcome to the adult world. I am in a similar situation as with my parents taking care of me. But at the rip-old age of 24 I feel terrible that they are still doing that so I have been applying to full time jobs non-stop. I honestly don't blame you parent for how you have been living your life. You have allowed yourself to be dependent on them. You seem completely unwilling to actually DO anything to change your situation. With this mind-set you will be a moocher all your life.


Jobs are what you make of them. With your mindset you will not be happy anywhere, its time to adjust the attitude. You seem to go into ever situation in your life wanted nothing more than fun and to feel good. Sorry, that's not how the real world works.


I remember I saw an interview with one of the creators of "South Park" the interview asked him the secret to making it in hollywood. SP creator basically said 1) Work really hard 2) Have an "end date". What that means, if you don't make it my a certain age have a back up plan and do that. He said that if one of his ideas wasn't picked up by age 27 he would have gone to japan to teach English. You need to set your end date.


Honestly, you are reaping what you sow. You did not take college seriously, you have had one job at the age of 30, and you complain about anything that won't be fun and make you feel good. If you are sleeping 14 hours a day its time to see both you doctor and a therapist, not just give up on working.



Sorry to be so harsh but you need to hear it.

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I graduated from college about a year ago. I had done very well in school and had high hopes for finding a job and supporting my husband while he finished up school. It didn't turn out that way. I couldn't find a job, and I ended up working as a janitor. Did it suck? Yeah, in a lot of ways it did. I felt frustrated that I wasn't doing the things I was capable of and was working a menial labor job. But I made the best of it. I listened to audio books while I worked which made me feel like I was accomplishing something personally important. And I felt much better helping as much as I could than I would have if I had just sat at home and felt frustrated that I didn't have my dream job.

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Its time to put your big-boy pants on. Welcome to the adult world. I am in a similar situation as with my parents taking care of me. But at the rip-old age of 24 I feel terrible that they are still doing that so I have been applying to full time jobs non-stop.


Can I ask your situation? Depending on what it is, I wouldn't feel too bad...most of my friends around my age (I'm also 24) are either surviving off parental help or living with their parents right now. I am, too (not living with them, and supporting myself to the extent I can, but not completely). I mean, not to spark a political debate hopefully, but whatever one thinks of recent legislation I think it was because of some real realities right now that the law changed allowing people under 26 to stay on their parents' health plans. With the state of the economy, most younger (22-25ish) college graduates are struggling to some extent. I've beaten myself up over it a lot myself, but I've actually found that most older adults I talk to are not shocked about it or judgmental at all, because they also recognize these realities.


That said....it doesn't seem like the OP has been trying, pre-dating this terrible economy. Doug, I think you might need some serious help somehow. I haven't read every post either, but you might want to talk to a good therapist or find another one who can evaluate you. Otherwise, just do whatever you can to find SOME work. I know how tough it is, but I'm just not sure how hard you're trying.

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Agreed. Although I have to say that I'm 24 and the last time that I got any money from my parents was when I was, I think, 21 or 22, and that was because I was living in a big city and barely making enough to cover my bills. Since then I've done everything on my own. I have a few friends my age who are still in college and are entirely paying their own way. One is interning and freelancing to make money to do so. And another friend who graduated two years before me has been working temp jobs to stay afloat since graduation, since she can't find anything permanent and in her field.


I know it's tough. My mom has been unemployed for just about three years straight now, and I know it's frustrating. But there ARE options, and Dougie, it doesn't appear that you've been willing to explore those. You gotta pay bills. You gotta eat. You can't do that with a dream.

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Agreed. Although I have to say that I'm 24 and the last time that I got any money from my parents was when I was, I think, 21 or 22, and that was because I was living in a big city and barely making enough to cover my bills. Since then I've done everything on my own. I have a few friends my age who are still in college and are entirely paying their own way. One is interning and freelancing to make money to do so. And another friend who graduated two years before me has been working temp jobs to stay afloat since graduation, since she can't find anything permanent and in her field.



I'm sure mileage varies; this has just been my experience and the experience of a lot of my friends. I know some people who are living more purely independently, but most of them ironically did not go to college (and the majority of them are/were recently living in a giant household together, so it's not like they're making all that much money individually). And I hear all the time about people with master's degrees and whatnot who are living at home. It's depressing.


I've had to continue accepting some money, but by my own accord I pay for groceries, electricity, internet bill, etc completely on my own. I actually turned down my parents on those, since I felt pathetic continuing to accept it after graduation. But I haven't had much choice except to accept some help. I've legitimately been turned down at interviews because I have a degree, and have spent most of my time over the last year either unemployed or doing temp jobs, too. It's rough out there.


That said....I have a couple friends who I think are more in the OP's category, and it worries me more. Most of my friends are struggling, but those are NOT TRYING. One of them (25? 26? I'm not sure how old he is) just lives at home and hasn't even bothered finishing his degree even though all he has left to do is one concert (he was a music major, before just not finishing 3 or 4 years ago), and the other, his girlfriend actually, is my age and also just kind of plodding along on her degree even though she really could be done by now. And she's had like one real job ever, which was a summer job that I met her at five years ago. I worry about both of them, especially the guy as he's really bright and talented and I think he may just have some serious undiagnosed problem that's holding him back, but those are the only types I really sort of "judge"; when they aren't going out there at all and trying to find anything or pull themselves out of their situation.

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