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Online dating: why guys suddenly loose their interest? (chat example)


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I am beautiful, I am smart, my age is between 25-30. Well I think that I have

perfect communication skills including my self-esteem and a sense of humour. I

want to find a bf, so I created a short profile on dating site. I put 2-3 photos

of myself where I smile and look my best.

I mean I thought that men should ask women out, in other words I think that men

don't like dominant women... It would also mean that I should do everything else

for them in life... they would get me too easily without asking and even without

any effort. :sad:

btw, would it mean that I should buy them drinks or something?

Attitude, attitude, it's all in the attitude.


Look at these two statements you made and perhaps you will see how the attitude you are giving out could be very off-putting to a lot of men.

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Take the site for what it is. You're talking to different people from different places in the world and at various stages of their life and not everybody out there looking for a date is really looking to become serious. People have different reasons for dating.

A lot of women come away disappointed from dating because one of the big reasons is they think exactly like you do:


I mean I thought that men should ask women out


By thinking like this you completely eradicate a lot of positive opportunity to meet anybody because you're "waiting". A closed mouth doesn't get fed. Make yourself competitive by not being afraid of what you're also asking for. Because believe that the chances you are not willing to take other women out there are taking them. You will be left behind in today's rapidly moving society where even a hint of pride and stubborness to compromise can cause you to miss out.


For the record, men like women that are confident enough in themselves to take chances, take risk and be willing to stumble along with them along the way. What most men don't like is a 2nd mother and a woman with such a dominant ego that she doesn't see the world around her.


There's always a risk that something will not workout in life. But the absolute honest counter-answer to that statement is that you never will know and how much better would you feel if you've utilized every opportunity to try rather than to do nothing at all because you waited on someone else to do it? What if they never will, then you'll have nothing.

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Yes, Messiah, I try to do so... My way is to look new profiles daily and write to several. Of course, most of them don't search anything, has someone besides or even want to hook up quickly for benefits, because they already are in relationship... This world is really strange... So many people who are just not sincere with others.


when i did online dating (match and eharmony), I really didn't contact men - i had more than enough guys contacting me. i had basically no luck with the free sites. i think if a guy is paying money to be on a site (especially like eharmony), then they are really interested in dating and meeting women in person.

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Ok today guys I've finally got my answer. I've been to the date and the guy told me he liked me so much, he tried to kiss me seriously several times but also several times I got a note which sounded like: "You know you're analysing everything way too much and too often". He told me it as my negative person side because I was telling him about what his body language say to me.

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we began talking that we both like psychological literature, and he told me about human as a hunter behaviours and I told him some what his body language say too much. I repeated about it some minutes after. I think it was my mistake. Of course he told me that it's my negative feature, but he's ok with it. I think I won't do it anymore

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