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Is she manipulating or holding on?

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So my girl friend of 2 years who I have been best friends with for 8 years left me for another guy. I begged like and idiot for the first month but have been NC for 3 months now. When she told me who the guy was I told her to never talk to me again because he was trying to steal her through our whole relationship and she assured me he was nothing. Well since the break up she keeps trying to contact all of my best friends, family friends and direct family members and act as if nothing is wrong. Why would someone break up with me and then expect the people who love me the most to stick around? She should know by now that those folks left her life when she left mine. I miss the girl terribly but will not stand for being treated like that and and let her expect I want to be her friend. Why would she do this other than to manipulate me or hold on to something she ended?

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my ex is doing the same thing... after leaving me for some1 else he's now tryng to contact all the people close to me, my close friends, my family etc i dnt even know why people do that... my advice to u is just ask ur family members and friends to ignore her if that disturbing ur healing coz thats what im doing... also just kip maintaining NC... she waiting for ur reaction so dont say anythn to her just maintain NC and hold ur peace trust me in the lengthnes of time all things wil come into place

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Same exact thing happened to me and i found out about a lot of lying behind my back and finally broke it off last week. On day 5 of NC now and it hurts sooo much not to see or talk to her. I know her well and feel like sooner or later she will try to contact me, i just hope im strong enough not to reply and just move on from her even though i want her back to some degree, but i know she is gone and not the same person i once loved. She strung me along for months and i was dumb enough to stick by her side hoping we will work everything out and be back on track, when in reality she had already moved on and was for some reason dragging me along for some sick ride. Staying NC will be the best thing you can do, i hope i will too.

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