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Post your Love Songs!!!


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Mine are:

Lady Antebellum-Need you now.


Makes me think of my ex and why I'm sleeping alone. Makes me wanna pound back some hard alchohol and sweep a random woman off her feet then make passionate love to her.


Aerosmith-Don't want to miss a thing


A song about how a father wants to be there for his daughter. Applies to how much a person can dote on their lover. I sung it Karoake 4 my ex.


Beyonce-Single Ladies


It's HILARIOUS!!! I'm not afraid to put a ring on Ms. Right.


Journey-Don't Stop Believing


Did a 1/2 drunk Karoake duet w/ recent ex. Was funny how it applied to both of us!!!

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Bon Iver - Wild Wolves act 1-2


The first night I spent at her house she played this song and after we made love she went to make some tea.

I simply laid there and this song was playing in the front room, It was so relaxing and I remember thinking... "Im gonna fall in love with this girl and it's gonna be amazing"

I can't even listen to a second of this song anymore without bawling like a child.

If it's on and I'm out somewhere I just have to leave.

It takes me back to that day and I can even smell her perfume and the wax of the candles burning in her room.

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Well almost every song is about love or breaking up so they all remind me of my ex. Since the breakup I have pretty much exclusively been listening to my 80s hardcore punk albums. Minor Threat, Circle Jerks, Reagan Youth. Nothing about relationships there.


But the song that really reminds me of him is Stand By Me. In our first year of dating we got in a big fight on the way back to his house. By the time we got there things had settled but we weren't being lovey yet. Then the song started playing in his lobby and we hugged/danced to it. It's been "our song" ever since. He always used to pick me up and sing the whole song in my ear while doing so.


I haven't heard it since we broke up. If I do I'm gonna punch the first person I see in the face.

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