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Alright sooo, having congested feelings in my chest, probably jealousy, but I can't really help it, or I don't really want to, w/e. Like 7 months ago I was dumped, two months after the dumping we fooled around, but didn't really get back together because he never called? What does this mean? Kay, so three months later, my ex hooks up with his ex from two years ago, that he cheated on! * * * does all this mean? Was I a rebound? And if so then is she a rebound now? I mean he obviously didn't care that much about her since he effin cheated on her? So does he just jump between chicks? Also, I guess what really pissed me off is that he put "in a relationship" as his status on FB, which he never did for me. I mean I never asked, but it's like he never really did anything like that for me, no real dates, no nothin. So I'm just jealous and angry. :splat:

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I'm going through the saaaaame thing. My ex is wanting to get with his ex from before me haha. And it is very confusing when you're trying to pick who the re-bound actually is!

It sounds like at the moment he really deserves to be rejected by the both of you

And yeah it does sound like he's just indecisive and likes to jump between the 2 of you...perhaps because he knows you're both 'there' for him? But if he cheated on her...then yeah he probably doesn't care for her that much.

As annoying as this probably is for you to hear (I know because it frustrates me), but you deserve someone who WILL take you dates and who will let everyone know he's with you

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Lol, arghhh and it's annoying huh? At the same time though, you've got to question these feelings he has for her. I mean I guess he "doesn't care" but what the crap, he obviously cares enough to run back to her.. and I'm starting to wonder if he dumped me to get back with her in the first place. Stupid crap. He also recently has been messaging me despite the fact that he still flirts with his ex too, haha, so I blocked him.. You're totally right though.. I'm just mulling over stupid thoughts and pissing myself off, boo


I'm going through the saaaaame thing. My ex is wanting to get with his ex from before me haha. And it is very confusing when you're trying to pick who the re-bound actually is!

It sounds like at the moment he really deserves to be rejected by the both of you

And yeah it does sound like he's just indecisive and likes to jump between the 2 of you...perhaps because he knows you're both 'there' for him? But if he cheated on her...then yeah he probably doesn't care for her that much.

As annoying as this probably is for you to hear (I know because it frustrates me), but you deserve someone who WILL take you dates and who will let everyone know he's with you

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The other girl is obviously foolish enough to TAKE him back! I doubt whatever they have will last : P Yeah blocking is the way to go. I blocked my ex on facebook tonight. He wants this other girl (his ex-ex) yet he still comments on my stuff when he feels like it. What dumpers have to realise is that when they dump you, they are choosing not to be a part of your life. Well, at least for a while, until you can push past and get over them!

It's easier to not know whats happening in their lives, whether you consciously care or not, rather than finding out stuff that you'd rather not find out!

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The other girl is obviously foolish enough to TAKE him back! I doubt whatever they have will last : P Yeah blocking is the way to go. I blocked my ex on facebook tonight. He wants this other girl (his ex-ex) yet he still comments on my stuff when he feels like it. What dumpers have to realise is that when they dump you, they are choosing not to be a part of your life. Well, at least for a while, until you can push past and get over them!

It's easier to not know whats happening in their lives, whether you consciously care or not, rather than finding out stuff that you'd rather not find out!


yeahh, idk. i dont get why they do it. are they just attention w-h-o-r-e-s?? Totally agree, I'd rather not have him in my life.

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