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I turn around to look at you to look you in your eyes,

I then feel this awful feeling and I then put on a disquise.


I smile and laugh and pretend that everything is ok,

I open my mouth to speak to you and there is nothing I can say.


I close my eyes as A tear starts to drip down my face,

I feel so alone and empty and now feel so easy to replace.


I thought that after all this time that mabe you would realize what's true,

But then I look behind me and I look to see that it's you.


Why do you have to be behind me and not right by my side,

It makes me feel so helpless and that I have lost all my pride.


I really do not understand this I dont even want to try,

I know that I will be depressed and do nothing but cry.


I cannot put this together as I have tryed to do it before,

But then I think about my life and how I love you to the core.


I really want to know why this is so easy for you,

I cannot make things better no matter what I do.


Please just hold me tight and never let me go,

Do you not see that when I look at you my face begins to glow.


I slowly start to feel so much pain within my heart,

I know what the problem is it is because we are apart.


If only you could see that my heart does sing for you,

Mabe then when you tell me you love me you would show me to.


tell me what you think??

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There's only one word to describe your poetries....PERFECT!!!


I dont know if it's just a coincidence, but all the poems you post here is meant for me. You never failed to amazed me.


Everytime i open this forum. the first thing i check is the poetry, checking if you post a new poem that will touch my heart.




Keep up the good work!

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