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so my ex broke up with me two months ago. it was a real bad break up. for the ones thtat dont know, she freaked out on me. telling me she was unhappy with herself. told me she was scared of the world. i tell her mom because she scared me. well her mom told me i was sick for trying to get back with my ex with this, which i never ever in my mind thought about it like that.i just wanted the girl to get help. anyways long story short . her mom calls says im sick for trying to get back with her daughter that and tells me what i did wrong. which was things that my ex never told me hurt her feeling,and this where things only my ex new. so pretty much they made me look like a monster for something i never did.her mom tells me to leave them alone.so my friend, brother ,and sister delete her mom from facebook.my ex calls me all mad. telling me its bs.she calls me a couple times after that for a month. all she did was get angry at me.so i would tell her that i will get out of her life. she got even more angry. i finally had enough. so i tell her that i couldnt do it any more. she cries and ask me if she will ever talk to me. and i tell her to give it a month for everything to cool down.i wait 22 days text her.she gives me one word answers. then i ask her if she still wants me in her life. she never answerd. the last thing i did was send her an appoloy email.now i feel better about it


so what have i been doing to better my life? i been going to the gym. i signed up for school.i know how hard it is to let go. but you just have to for your own sanity. it hurts i know it does. but it will get better.if i can get threw something this painfull you can to. i was crushed by the person i love and her mom who i sa as family.we did so much for each other . i actualy helped her threw some real hard situations. so i know how it feels to do alot in a relation.


so i been going to the gym for a month now. i started gaining muscle and started loosing weight.i will post my before and after pictures after i loose enough weight. i will tell all of you that when i started i weight three hundred pounds. im 6'2 tall. lost ten pounds.now now i weight 290. if you want any one to talk to just message me its better then contacting your ex

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Good for you I'm usually very faithful about going to the gym but since my break up (couple days ago) I have no motivation. It'll return I'm sure but for now I'm going to avoid it to spare everyone the awkwardness of my inappropriate tears there.


yeah i know what you mean. i did not want to do anything it took me a month to get myself to go

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Well, I woke up this morning not crying, and didn't go to sleep crying, so felt like it was a good day to run before work (normal routine before BU). I made it to the beach, which is not very far, and just broke down. So I sat on a rock and cried instead of running. Guess I'm not ready for normalcy yet.

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Well, I woke up this morning not crying, and didn't go to sleep crying, so felt like it was a good day to run before work (normal routine before BU). I made it to the beach, which is not very far, and just broke down. So I sat on a rock and cried instead of running. Guess I'm not ready for normalcy yet.


im sorry to hear that, i think maybe you used to go to the beach with the ex? or you thought that the beach was romantic and it reminded you off him. or maybe you where just sad. if it has to do anything with the beach been romantic try going the other direction

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hey every one. well im going to be posting here every monday. i wanted every one to know that i actualy am doing better in the gym. i started from been able to jog for five mins until i need to rest. i would do six five min intribles of joging. then i was able to do two 15 min intrubles . then i was able to to the full thirty mins. and today i was able to do an hour none stop. also i started off from doing 30 sit ups, to sixty, then a hundred and today 200 . every one it gets better trust me. i know it hurts and its normal. i know there is the days where your going to feel real down. i know because i still go threw some of does days. i whent threw one friday. first time i skipped out on the gym but i felt real down. but stay strong. we will all get threw this.one more thing. when you go to the gym dont over do it. lol because in my first break up i whent to the gym. i started going to the gym for an hour. then i whent for five hours. i did more then my body could take and i mest up my legs for a month. i dont know why i always go to the gym after a break up but i do.there would be girls hitting on me. sure it wont cure a broken heart. but it till bring your self asteem up

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I'm trawling the web looking at gyms and dance classes. Haven't seriously done the gym for a couple of years. I have lost quite a lot of weight since the b/u - around 7kgs in 7 weeks. I'm looking slim, but would like to tone. Last time I went a couple of years ago, I was the same weight I am now (50gs - 154cms tall). I remember the fitness assessor telling me about various foods to eat and also protein drinks. Do you follow any of this type of program Ferna?


I don't think I need to lose any more weight now, but I don't want to put any of it back on.


What foods have you found to help?

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I really like the tone of this post. It's gentle and positive.


I'm a fitness fanatic. Football, gym and running etc. Still in good shape but was in mega shape before Christmas due to working out to kill the pain.


I was handling my devastating break up better when I was training mega hard before Christmas.


I'm beginning to train hard again to get back on track. Sit ups at lunch time and an hour half of weights after work every second day. Days inbetween I run or cycle after work. It is very beneficial.


my downess sometimes puts invisible barriers up to prevent me going, but I try and think my way through it knowing I'm always happy when I leave the gym and I'm miserable If i just sit around the house with heartbreak.


helpful supplements: As well as finding a good protein shake, I recommend Amino acids L-Tyrosine, l-Carnatine. They are very useful, Green tea also.


I want her back, I don't agree with her decision or her logic in getting there. I can only start working on myself again though. I feels surreal we are no longer together

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helpful supplements: As well as finding a good protein shake, I recommend Amino acids L-Tyrosine, l-Carnatine. They are very useful, Green tea also.


I want her back, I don't agree with her decision or her logic in getting there. I can only start working on myself again though. I feels surreal we are no longer together


Do the amino acids help with muscle building too or are they more just for a feeling of well-being? I'm same asw you in your last 2 sentences.

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man i had a real good day. my sister bought me shoes to go to the gym. since mine are old. well they did not fit me . i whent to exchange them for a bigger size. but they did not have my size.well i was looking for some new type. the salesman showd me some running shoes. im not trying to ofend any one but i dont like the way running shoes look. well the saleman tells me there comfterable, so i try em on. they felt so good on my feet. jaja it felt like i was bouncing. they where soft. kinda like the get things. well i bought them when it comes to exersing looks dont matter. i mean your working on yourself so its not a big deal.well i aslp saw some converse on sale. original price 50 i got them for twenty. i was freaken happy. jaja i had some comfy shoes and some to go out. i whent to the gym i wasnt going to go because it was late. but there is no excuse. it made it easier. this are my first pair of running shoes and i defenatly see a difference.and the part of missing my ex? if any one matter yeah i miss her like crazy but its getting better.

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I find your writing style very warm and descriptive ferna. Even the title of your thread 'Follow me to the Gym'


Amino Acids, you get the best of both worlds with these. They both help muscle recovery when you are doing intense training and also make you feel good. L-tyrosine, if you take six caps of along with a good strong multi vitamin cap will actually give you a buzz as well as helping you recover. This combined with exercise gives an enormous sense of well being.


I have not been practicing what I preach the last two months as I became very low and did not do much exercise (had a slight running injury also) I also felt I was just papering over the cracks. Distracting myself from the loss. Thing is there is nothing I can say to her at present so there is nothing else I can do


Here in Britain you can buy these amino acids very cheaply from Holland and barret. L-Carnetine isn't technically an amino acid but is generally grouped with them. It effectively aids fat burning, take before exercise. It makes me a little dizzy though ;0)

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l-carnetine is perfectly harmless in weightloss and is used by most top athletes. I know a few footballers who supplement with it.


It basically utilises body fat for energy. Best taken shortly before sport.


What age are you Ferna? Are you British or an English first language speaker? Well done in your attitude, keep up the good work.

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man im starting to go out more. today i whent to take the assesment test for college.i thought it was going to take like forty minutes. but i was there from two forty till six.i whent to the gym.jaja i really like my new shoes. every time i walk it feels like im bouncing. jaja

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Hi Ferna,

I finally got to the Latin Dance Aerobic and loved it! Also bought the DVD made by the teacher so I can practice at home. They also have another exericse program for women, much of it with weights, and I'm thinking of taking that up. I definitely felt SO much better for going. I did get a really good workout on my legs.w The people there were also very friendly! I fell asleep this afternoon for a few hours (am on a rostered day off). I think it was the first really peaceful sleep I have had since the BU. Woke up feeling refreshed and went to see friends tonight. Have been invited out Friday night. Already have things planned for Saturday and Sunday. I feel good about this because it seems better than just waiting for the weekend to come and go and feel lonely. I feel much better.

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wow silverbirch im happy for you, thats the things of working out . it will make you feel better. i know before the gym there is days i felt real sad. after going to the gym its like bringing all the frustruation out . it does real good for you. your going to start feeling better about it. and it also makes youe healthier. so its like hitting two birds with two stones. good grats. and i hope you enjoy your workout


ps come back and tell me how your workout is doing

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Okay Ferna and thanks. Gotta get the housemate to look at my dvd. Ugh, can't get it to work otherwise I would be doing the workout at home this morning. I saw friends last night and have a fairly full weekend planned ahead (with female friends). Today I look and feel better again. I've also started eating more healthy which is going to make a big difference.

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