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the worst things...

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he's said plenty of harsh things like:


- you've kept me in prison for four years

- you're too clingy, needy, emotional, annoying....


I don't want to keep going cause I'm getting sad thinking about it


Well usually my ex would come around in a month span, but not this time I guess... (btw we've had many break-ups)

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This probobly sounds kind of pathetic compared to what you guys heard, but for me, it was my one and only relationship and she said:


"I'm too busy to go out with you," I know that seems like just one of the standard rejections, but it still hurts. It feels like either: if it was an excuse, than she's being disrespectful by not being honest, and if it was true, than she's basically saying that i'm not important enough to be worth her time.



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My first and only relationship officially ended with "my interests are fickle."


I don't expect someone my age to stick with one person for long, particularly over the Internet. However, if I put effort into a relationship – even the minimal and misguided effort I made near the end – I want a return for it. I want a list of mistakes so that I don't waste time fixing something that isn't a problem. I want proof that the other person valued the relationship enough to learn from it. After all, why should I risk relationships if the only result will be a blow to my pride, or bother improving myself if no one else does?

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People are so harsh sometimes when they are upset... my ex called my best friend and told her " i never want to speak to that b!tch again, I hate her... I will never speak to her again, I hate her" only to IM me a few weeks later to make small talk and see how my day went... He told me that i "wasnt wife material" and that he loved me like a family member not a partner...what a jerk...any other replies...?

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I'm not sure what's worst - your ex being nasty or being nice. In my case, she told me she needed some "time and space" and to be "single for a while." That hurt me like hell. But it hurts even more by her telling me there is "still hope for us" and she doesn't want to lose her "best friend." These statements just make me more confused. If she said anything nasty to me, I would move on and never look back because I treated her so well.



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During a break up with my exboyfriend - we'd been together 3 years. i told him i'd felt like i was the only one trying to make the relationship work and he said 'maybe thats because i don't think it's worth the effort' - that hurt after being with him for 3 years!


and the most current ex - as of this week, has resorted to name calling, swearing at me. turning up on my doorstep and shouting, burning anything i'd left at his house - i think he's of the restraining order sort too!

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Just out of curiosity what are some of the WORST things that your ex has ever said to you while breakin' up... besided normal things like " i hate you" ...but I mean really harsh things...



Well let's go down the list.


1. When there are 15 little things about you I don't like, it becomes ONE BIG THING!


2. I now know I was never 'IN LOVE" with you because after I met the new guy.... I learned what being "IN LOVE" felt like.


3. So what if I'm taking the car from you. You can walk to the store. It's only a Mile and you have Feet!


4. Lately I haven't even been comfortable in referring to you as My Boyfriend.


5. It's not my problem if leaving causes you a financial hardship. I have to save for my own apartment. Now It's All about Me.


6. I'm done with this relationship. it's old. it's Boring.


7. I wanted to break up with you six years ago, but I felt symphathy for you.


8. I want to stay angry at you so I can get closure.



I think that's enough for now. I'm starting to get angry thinking about it. Those are only the things she said to my face. I can't even imagine how many more things she said behind my back. I'm sure there were plenty. Last year at this time I felt like things were fine. I would of never even thought for a second that her personality could turn into this. She truly has become a differnt person. I treated her pretty damn good for 10 years. I would tell her how much I love her all the time. We would always do fun things together. We really had a great time. I don't see how many guys are even going to be able to compete. But that's her problem now. She threw it all away for absolutely nothing. She'll regret it. I don't know when, but that day will come when she'll realize she screwed up bad.


I'm in day 17 of No Contact. She came by to get her mail Sunday. I briefly talked to her for about 30 seconds. However I did not initiate anything. I haven't made any effort at all. If she wants to be away from me then she is going to learn what it's like for me to not even call her. So far So good. It's hard, but I am sticking to it. I feel that I have to.




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During a break up with my exboyfriend - we'd been together 3 years. i told him i'd felt like i was the only one trying to make the relationship work and he said 'maybe thats because i don't think it's worth the effort' - that hurt after being with him for 3 years!


That's similar to what my ex-BF said to me.....he couldn't be bothered to work on the relationship because relationships should be easy and if we had to work at it, then it wasn't meant to be saying, "There's someone better for me out there than you." Another one he used when I asked him about working on our relationship was that his head wasn't in it and when I asked him about his heart, he said, "My heart is not involved either". Those remarks really hurt!

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Another one he used when I asked him about working on our relationship was that his head wasn't in it and when I asked him about his heart, he said, "My heart is not involved either". Those remarks really hurt




Wow...... that's COLD! I can fully understand that sometimes relationships just don't work out. However I'll never understand how someone who onced loved you so much can suddenly be so harsh with your feelings. There are much nicer ways to word things so they don't hurt nearly as much. Unfortunately so many of our Ex's lose sight on how to end things with a little class and dignity. Instead they choose to go for the throat and do as much damage as possible. It makes me sick.




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  • 2 weeks later...

After dating for 3.5 years my ex says...


-I want to be single because I haven't been single for awhile.

-I want to enjoy single life.

-I want to have my space and do things without having priorities.

-I don't want to be committed at the moment.

-I don't want to have any priorities.


Those words she said to me cut deep. It seems hard to forget those words she said to me when she wanted to leave. This girl was also my first love, so thats probably why I'm feeling so much pain right now.


And also..after they said those things how many of them contacted you after a period of no contact...


After 3 weeks of no contact, she e-mails me out of the blue. She wanted her computer back from my house, which is understandable, but she also says she really misses me and misses having me around as her best friend. I e-mailed her back to let her know I dropped off the stuff, that I wasn't angry at her about the breakup, and thanked her for giving me time and space to heal. Right now I'm back on NC from her.

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Rich, I know exactly how you feel.


After two years of dating, my ex-gf said to me (as she handed the engagement ring back after one week of being engaged) "I have been in pain all week and I just want to say that I don't see a future for us and I can't see having kids with you."


It hurt really bad at the time to hear the last part of that -- "I can't see having kids with you." I think that's a deep insult but she honestly meant it (as she still sticks with that statement to this day).

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