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What is pyhsically attractive?

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Oi men what is "fit"? In magazines and films all you women are skinny big boobs and blonde... but you dont go out with these type of girls... People punish themselfs with diets and exercise to become your vision of beauty. Personally i like to make myself interesting (pink dreads/ peircings) than pretty but still I do care about my figure and looks... some times to a point when it drives me insane. So what is beautiful?... i think men normally go for a fuller figured women so why do magazines glamourise anorexia? My friend once said she thinks men would say "ooo shes fit" at a passing super model but if she asked him for a serious relationship he would turn her down becasue hes afraid of other men looking at her... is this true?

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Hi im not aman but i can tell you without a doubt what men want. they want someone who appeals to them as a female version of themselves. Exactly the same as we want tin men. we might drool over brad pitt, matt damon etc but what we want is the other half of ourselves. If you go for the piercings and pink hair etc that is the kind of guy you will attract. if you want to attract a sporty guy, be spoty. And they all prefer womwn who look like womne. Anorexic types look great in magazines but look like ironing boards in the flesh. No disrespect to the skinnies out there. it takes all sorts.

Also Confidence. If you have that and a bit of sex appeal you can have any man you want and a lot that you dont as i have discovered over my long life.

Big smile

With love

nenez x

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men and women should look for health and youth in their appearance. Big bulky bodies with small arms and legs is not a good look for either sex.


We need to have good skin, a lean waist and women normally have bigger hips for a youthful appearance.


Also good teeth and eyes are a show of health in both women and men.


If you aren't a supermodel then don't despair. It is mostly important to have a great attitude towards others, all people men and women. Men respond to women that they see as nice -- friendly and approachable, not false or shallow.


so don't be afraid to be yourself. It will make you unique and you'll stand out in the crowd. Show confidence and caring towards others.


People may give respect to bullies, but this is a false respect. Don't burden yourself with hate. Don't compare yourself to others, this will only lower your self esteem and cause you frustration.


Someone like Paris Hilton or Calista Flockhardt is too thin. Don't be afraid to be healthy. Exercise!! Eat right. Don't eat candy or fast food. Or eat off the healthy section.


Here is an idea that may stick-- a study of young college men showed that women who ate a healthy diet were seen as more feminine than women who ate fast food. Beware of a soft tummy, do sit ups or yoga or crunches.

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I agree wit nenez, she makes a good point. Its like the old saying: "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Its different for every guy what he thinks is beautiful. But she's right, as much as I like looking at a supermodel or a really "hot" popular girl, for me they don't do much beyond being eye candy, as from experience with girls I've met like that, I've found that for the most partthey are not of the personality type I would want to go out with. Personally, I like a more average looking girl, and I tend to go more for personality than simply looks when it comes to who I would consider dating.


Hope my input helped,


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I disagree saying that men think these stick thin women are fit. Personally they look ill. Their just that skinny to show off clothes. Guys don't like them. They don't have any boobs or behind cause they have no access fat, thereforeeee losing 2 of the assets that men are attracted to.


Pick up and FHM and the majority of women in the "worlds fittest women" poll (voted by guys) are movie stars, soap stars, sport stars, models, but not the real stick thin anorexia type models.


For me personally I dont like the 6 foot blonde sterotype. In fact I havent a clue where this stereotype comes from. Blonde hair a lot of people like, but the vast majority of guys prefer short girls, or at least shorter than themselves.


For me personally, I prefer petite volumptious brunettes, cute, tanned.

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what makes a girl sexy and attracive isn't so much how you look as how you act. I remember i took a class with this girl, and she was so HOTTT>>>her looks were no more than average, but she was always smiling, always laughing, always moving freely, yet always respectful..also caring..always fun..thats what makes a girl sexy..its NOt how you look..its how you act that makes you sexy or not...thats good news because any girl (or guy) could make themselves more sexy if they wanted to...just smile, be more free....you don't have to wear revealing or sexy clothing...like the girl i was referring to, she often came wearing sports clothes...so its how you act, not how you look, that matters

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Personally, I don't find real skinny girls attractive at all generally, there are always exeptions to the rule, as with anything. I'm generally attracted to average size girls with dark hair. I don't think it's got to do with jealousy about other men looking at her being the reason I wouldn't have a relationship with a skinny girl, I just normally don't get that initial attraction.


Beyond the initial attraction, I much prefer someone with a nice personality over a nice body. Why have a supermodel g/f if she's as interesting as a wet sponge??? If a girl has a good personality she has a much better chance than someone I find more physically attractive but is as boring as hell.

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I don't like skinny girls either, there is really nothing to grab onto.


I like girls that work with what they got a nice firm butt, and breats.


Also personality counts, a girl that laughts and make me laught gets my vote, but at the same time they are respectful and loyal, by this I mean not to make fun of other people or me, but I do like girls that tease me a little.

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Wow, I think nenez hit the nail on the head. I had never thought of that.


Anyways, I find i can't really control who I'm attracted to. I can't deny that the physical plays a role, but it's not what most people base their decisions on. Atleast I hope not...


Actually, I find myself attracted to pretty much anyone who gives a damn about me.

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hey. as a girl, i dont think the really skinny is attractive, i wouldn't wanna be there. but now, heres a question, wats a healthy size in your

opinion(s)? and about the tall girl thing....its so sad, it was the one thing i had....5'6 at 16 is kinda tall....i mean ill probably end up at 5'7. is it true that most guys like shorter girls?

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goddess23 I don't know about most guys, but for me I like and perder tall girls. But I am 6'6" so the chances of finding a girl that is above 6'3" is pretty darn slim. So I look for gilrs either 5'5" or taller.


I look for girls with fat on them, but not to much fat just enough that says that they eat. But I do agree with drahcir tho. The way a girl acts can be sexy within it self.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ironically....everyone here is saying that they want someone who "eats", yet not as skinny as a rake. However, while there are still ppl that are naturally slender...but what do you all consider to be too thin...like 5'4 and 100 pounds? My mom is 5'2 and weighs 130 pounds and is a size 8.


A size 6 is: 31" bust 23" waist and 34" hips


All the models and most of the actresses shown in Maxim, FHM and other mags of the like are a size 6 or smaller.....and IMO that doesn't classsify someone who "eats", and is someone who is skinny as a rake.

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i think its all about the curves for women. thats what really makes a woman stand out and look physically attractive (in regards to the body). ofcourse attractiveness has alot of other factors, such as the personality, mutual interests, and the basic chemistry. but ya, the idea of what a perfect size is. its strange, im 5'6 and a size 0-3 depending on the clothes. but i realllly dont look skinny or anything. like a lot of the typical scales for whats right and not is really not realistic. so ya i think its not the number, but its the curves and that little bit of fat that says i eat lol its true.

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I think some ppl forget that all the models and actresses in these mags are airbrushed! That little pinch of "fat" here, or that little wrinkle there is completely taken out. I have seen how airbrushing is done. Almost all the women in these mags don't look like that in real life. Also...breast implants does "create" a curvyness that wasn't there before. Also, when the general population is desensitized...it appears as though these really skinny girls are the norm...when they are not. If you put the "average" woman next to someone who is a size 2, 4, 6, 8 etc they would look overweight, when in fact they aren't.

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I think that the guys and girls are having trouble making sense of what the other is saying...guys want someone who is healthy, fun, interesting to be around.


Women and girls who are in Maxim aren't the normal everyday girl that they would meet on the street. They know that subconsciously.


There is something called too thin! You know if you can look at your rib cage and see the bones there, you may be too skinny!


If you can look at your hips and see the bones there, you may be too skinny. If you don't have regular menstrual cycles, you may be too skinny.


If you look at the Olympics and see those ladies as fat! You may be too skinny! If you can put your fingers around your upper arms, you may be too skinny.


If you weigh less than 120 lbs, you may be too skinny.

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Well, personally..its all GND for me! (Girl next door) reason is simple. They dont have to put thems selves on to go out. I love seeing a woman look just as good when she wakes up as she did when she went to sleep. best part of the GND is they are the ones you see all over the place and know they arent TRYING to look some way. My idea GND is about 5 4 to 5 7, ranging in build from active to a few extra pounds and a face that just screams "Im cute w/o spending HOURS to get ready!" If I wanted to date a babie doll, I'd by a Princess barbie! So, to all of you women who think we are looking for something thats not real, take a look at yourself in the morning....Im sure you'll see REAL beauty, not something that comes from a bottel. I know this is getting long, but really...this is just the tip of what makes a woman really attractive to men. As some one said here, if you want a bottel man, be a bottel girl. But if you want some one deep, be yourself and see how deep things can get. As for me, Im gonna keep waking up, and looking "next door" for the right one!

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