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why do ex's bad mouth us then want to talk?

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ok my ex broke up with me 1 month ago. i felt so bad. but felt even worse when i heard she was talking bad about me.she told her mom about the times i was been mean to her. and her mom told me off.she told me that i no longer exist to her. which put me under depression because i thought of her as a mom.i deleted her mom of face book. my ex called and told me its bull how i deleted her mom. and then a couple days later i deleted my ex. when she called she got even more pissed of.told me it was crap. she said and i quote"you promised we where going to be friends "when she told me this she was mad.the thing i never promised to be her friend.i remmeber this well because she told me i just want to be friends.i told her i dont know if i could be her mom got real mad.


then i told her i had enough and she started crying . asking me if she is ever going to talk to me.i told her im not sure maybe if she is nice. i dont get why she broke up with me and wanted to be friends so bad. she tried talking to me.i never ignore her but im not going to let her misstreat me.i wonder why its the people with a bad child hood that act like this. by the way im 21 she is 23

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I read somewhere recently that when an ex talk about us in any fashion it's good news for you if you want her back? If she talks trash about you she is trying to convince other people and herself that she doesn't want you but, deep down she wants you. You should do more reading online you can find lots of useful stuff there

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