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I am a 50 year old bbw and I love sex, I married a man who does not like sex. I have known him for 3 years now and before I married him I was under the impression we would have sex, but we never have. It is a long story one that I don't want 2 type up and take up that much room. I sometimes wonder why he married me, am not sure what to do, I care about him, but I don't believe we have a future together. I can't even discuss sex with him casue he does not like to talk about it. He just sits in the bedroom day after day on his computer 24/7 and only comes out 2 use the bathroom or shower once in a while. I don't love him like I used to casue he makes it hard to do so. I want to find someone who likes sex as much as I do and wants sex. I want to be able to talk about sex to someone cause it is a wonderful thing. I have been married for almost 2 years and never had sex with him yet. I know it is hard to believe but it is true. I don't know what 2 do, I knew we are breaking apart which is going to lead to a breakup, I don't even want to sleep in the same room as him anymore. We are apart in everyway including the heart. What do I do with a man who wants no part of sex with me, makes me feel like I am ugly and that he is too good for me, I know I am a big lady, but I am a nice one and I love sex, but with him I feel as if sex is a bad thing and it is not, what do I do, I want sex and love, I want to feel like a woman and be happy, but how can I be happy when this man makes me feel dirty or bad about sex just cause he does not like it and forces me to go with out sex just casue of him. How do I stop the tears inside so I can heal and not always feel so dirty, how do I stop those tears and feel like a woman again.

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While sex is an excellent way of displaying your love for one another it's also an act of deep love, passion, and comitment. Many men even the ones who are married are still affraid of making a comitment. I'm not saying that your husband is affraid of commitment he's (guessing) around 50 years old and porobaly has made many comitments...but maybe he's not having sex with you or not talking with you about sex because he knows something you don't, maybe he's just trying to protect you.


I know I'm only 17 and when I say sex isn't everything in a relationship it's probably not going mean anything but next time insted of yelling or trying to be sexual when talking about stuff approach your husband in a loving and caring manner and try to talk things through tell him that it's really bothering you. Don't throw a relationship down the drain because there isn't any sex. Or atleast dont throw it down the drain until you come to an understanding. I'm sure he wouldnt have married you if he didn't love you.


Keep going strong. Take your worries to God the power of prayer is an amazing thing.

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Sometimes men will get married to get all the goodies of having a wife, even if they don't love the person they married.


It is very confortable to have someone at home who : cooks, does the dishes, does the laundry, cleans up. He's got a free maid and he probably does not love you very much, unless he's a real weirdo.


You deserve to be loved and should try to find true love elsewhere, even if this means ending up the relationship.


I hope this helped. Good luck!

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