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Guys - What do you think of a girl who has no friends?


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I would take it as a HUGE red flag. If someone can't maintain a friendship, they probably won't navigate a relationship.


...That's......................good to know........well, acknowledging a problem is the first step to overcoming it.


Come to think of it, I have an easier time having fun with people outside my age group. Either children or older adults. Maybe it's because I'm not as afraid of being judged, so I'm less reserved around them.

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My ex, the abuser, had no friends. He'd often say how jealous he was that I could make friends easily - then tried to drive them away. Anyway, I digress, I think it's different for girls. It could be down to girls 'jealousy' and it could lead to her clinginess. But at certain ages it's harder to maintain friendships due to marriage and children, sometimes friends take a back burner to husbands and children. Especially if the girl is single with no kids. I wouldn't see it as a red flag without working out why this is.

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Those are the kind of women I go for. All the ones I've been around who had a ton of friends or a need to be around people were always clingy to me, and couldn't handle me. All the loner women I've met were very independent, headstrong, had high morals, goal-orientated, quiet and reserved, and very mature and respectful individuals. The only negatives I saw from them was really just the distance thing, and very difficult to get close to. Other than that, I really don't see why a lot of people are saying it's a red flag or something bad, when generally, the loners are the most stable people. And just about every loner has a handful of very, very close friends, and are very close to their families.


I think the problem is that you guys are confusing "lonely" people with the "loner" type. I don't understand how a loner could be clingy to another person, either, when a loner knows that they'll always have themselves to fall back on and know they have a strong personality, which is all they need in life to be happy. A romantic relationship just adds on to that happiness, but to them, it's not a necessity.

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Would you date her? Let's say her only 'friends' are the ones she recently met, and she has no old friends. Is that weird? What if she was really attractive and talented, but a loner? Would that refrain you from dating or being interested in her?? How do you feel basically lol
Girls w/ no friends are usually needy. I HATE the ones that have nothing, but guy friends.
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I think it all depends on the person. Why a person is socially isolated is more important than the simple fact that they are socially isolated.


Since my social circle is small, and I'm much the introvert, I avoid judging others for being loners. Especially as a young, decent looking, and proud woman, it's hard to make friends with women my own age.

All but one of my exes mostly kept to themselves, and even though they all had their flaws, it was never a problem.

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  • 6 years later...

My gf just broke up with me after 8 months. She has lived in different parts of the country for work before Moving here. I have never had her mention any friend from high school, college, or anywhere she lived. She also has ADHD and is on Vyvance. She has been divorced 3 times by age 46. They were very short marriages. She has no kids and doesn't have anything to show for making good $ in the corporate world. She is very impulsive. I'm hurt and confused. My sister in law is a psychologist and she said I dodged a bullet and to move on.

Any body have an opinion out there? I know it's probably a rediculous question.

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