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Cheating with female friend?

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Ive only been with my boyfriend for 3 months but already we've gone through 'the motions'. Even though it was me who cheated on him in the first month ~big drunken accident with 'platonic' friend of 3 years ~

I have actually been cheated on in the past but I had never cheated on a boyfriend before & swear i would never do it again. He took me back without hestitance but now, my paranoia is playing on me and i think he is cheating on me with one of his female friends.


He's admitted that him & this friend are attracted to one another but wouldnt want to ruin their 'friendship' by attempting a relationship. When i told him about my infidelity, the first person he went to was this female friend.


When i went away on holiday he stayed overnight at a houseparty with her. When he last went out with her to the pub, he phoned me @ 1am to tell me he'd been out with her because he felt 'guilty' (as he knows i dont like her...) but what did he really do for him to feel guilty?!


Even more of a coincidence is, my ex who cheated on me - cheated on me with this girl.


I think it might just be jealousy but, it seems this girl is out for me. Maybe i just think that males & females cant be friends after i slept with mein... Deep down, i know its terrible to think but ~ maybe he just got back with me to screw me over. I really dont know wether to end it before i get hurt. I cant accuse him of cheating if hes swears he never, i have no proof. what should i do?


p.s sorry to gt carried away, im very confused about this.

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I actually suffer from paranoia, as diagnosed by several doctors. You might be thinking there is something going on, but it all comes down to whether or not you trust him. If not, then maybe you shouldn't be together. If so, end it now before someone does get hurt, or before too much emotional attachment is gained. If you do trust him, have a nice long chat and explain what you posted here, make sure both sides understand and want the same commitment as the other side.

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Hi there.

A lot of people make mistakes early in relationships. Don't be so hard on yourself. I to have done what you did. It doesn't feel good. But I never told on my self.

If there is one thing about certain types of women, it is I know very well the type you are describing. These types love left overs. Smile! She seems to like yours. She will not stop doing this to you.

If I were you I would dup the dude. And get me a boyfriend who has never even met this girl, never mind heard of her. That's right. Before you get involved with a guy ask him point blank if he knows this girl. If he does walk away. I finally ended up having to do this so the girl who was after my men couldn't get them any more. She cant take what she don't know about.


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In all honesty, I am astounded that you are dating a guy who is a) close friends with a girl who is pretty much your enemy, and b) has admitted he's attracted to her.


You can be sure she will do everything in her power to make sure they will hook up if they haven't already. I would definitely stop seeing this guy if I were you.

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