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He asked me what I expected from him…?


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To give a little bit of background… I feel a bit scarred from my past relationship because when I broke up with my ex-boyfriend he told me that one of the problems of our relationship had been that it moved too fast. I have been seeing someone new since January, yet I feel so uncertain of how to “pace” the relationship, so I have been taking a very relaxed approach. And the relationship has been going slow, according to my standards, but we are also both very busy. And I do really like this new guy, but I feel like I am holding back a little. I am so afraid of having the “relationship talk" or going too fast and committing the same mistakes. I am just trying to enjoy every moment that I have with him.


Anyways, last weekend this guy that I have been seeing invited me to the beach. We camped under the stars, and I really had a great time with him!


Yet he asked me a question that sort of got stuck in my head. I told him to ask me anything he wanted, and the first question he asked me was what I expected from him. I answered that I had learnt not to have expectations, and that I always have a good time with him and wanted to keep getting to know him.


He later asked what I felt when I was with him and what I liked most about him, but I answered pretty indirectly. He is renting an apartment but wants to move, and he asked me if there was room in my apartment for him since I am looking for a new roommate. I took it as a joke, but I think he was almost serious.


I almost just shut down when he started asking me those questions since I wasn't expecting it. I hope I didn't mess up. Should I interpret these questions as him considering us more seriously…?

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