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never officially rejected

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I recently sent a letter to this friend of mine. we have known each other for about a year and a half. He is very shy and has never had a relationship before. I told him that I liked him, he didn't respond for a over a week. I was really anxious because I didn't know what was going on. He told me that he didn't know what to say. So I was upset, but the thing is, he says he's not ignoring me, but he never told me he wasn't interested (or was) either. I have no idea how i'm supposed to take this. I'm starting to think maybe he doesn't want to turn me down because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings, but I wish he would just say something either way. I don't know. How much of a time limit should I put on this before I should just forget the whole thing? I really need help with this one if anyone has any advice please get back to me.

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hey hun. im sorry to say but it sounds like he doesn't LIKE LIKE you, as in a gf. like if it was a couple of days you could say hes a little confused or not sure...and has to think about it. but at this point i think you should just talk to him and tell him that its ok if he doesnt, but you need an answer so you can just move on from this. but thats why you need to do that because you never know, maybe he is REALLY SUPER SHY and unsure of how to handle this. you didnt mention either of your ages, so that might have an effect on it as well. so just talk to him again, but from what it looks like, i wouldnt get my hopes up TOO high.

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stormygurl - tht week of anticipation must have left you in a dither. sorry. "I don't know what to say" isn't something u want to hear after you've expressed interest.


Ask yourself this:


If you were interested in him and he wrote a letter to you expressing interest. Would you take a week to respond and then be ambigious?


You have every right to be upset.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd try to get him out, if he is shy he shouldn't really be too picky especially since you are approaching him. I used to be the shy person and would never show interest back just because I was shy. Maybe if you were to get him out he might open up a little bit.


It takes the right person to make someone shy open up and it doesn't just happen overnight. I was interested in a girl for nearly a year and then she approached me after school let out and now I'm confident with talking to any woman. I never really talked to her UNTIL she asked me out though, now we talk 3-4 times weekly just as friends.


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