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My Fiancee broke up with me 2 months before the wedding.

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Everything seemed right. We dated for 7 years. A really long time but we started out young and wanted to wait tell we got older before marriage was the answer. Got Engaged about a year ago and then 2 months before the wedding (this september) she tells me she does not have the passion to be with me like a person should and that getting married now is not the right thing to do. She gave me the "needs her space line" and the "I want to see other people so I don't have to regret looking back line". Her parents had a messy divorce when we were early on in our relationship. I think I was 18 and she was 20. Now 25 and 27. To me I felt like she waited so long to tell me because she is afraid of comittment and perhaps has a commitment phobe. What's your thoughts? Do you think her parents relationship affected ours? She currently has just started seeing a therapist to try and work out her "issues". Just curious what you thought why she is doing this? None of her reasons seem to make sense.

I know breaking up and not getting married to her is the right thing to do. We have both mentioned that once her issues are figured out that we would maybe give it another shot? What's your thoughts on that?

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This looks like a compound issue to me. She's got plenty of things to work through, and thankfully, none of them are your fault. It also looks like it can turn out for the better. The lines she gave you are usually part of the package of breaking up. Just be patient, and if it was supposed to be, you'll be together again.

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That you are going through this, take about a love high to feeling really low. It will get better though. If I were you, I would concentrate on you, that way, whether she wants you back or not, you are going to be in good shape. And Luckily this did not happen after the wedding. She just does not sound ready.

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