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He tells them he is afraid to leave me because he is afraid of me and rejection ( the jehova wittnesses )

That I manipulate him and control him. he whole while he is down there saying this he puts on this meek shy demanour( this is why i think he is psychotic ). He told them yesterday that I am "the abuser" in the relationship with his head looking down like he is some kind of choir boy innocent and sweet. He even uses a tone of voice am unfamamilar with.



This very low tone, soft. THS IS WHAT AM TALKINGABOUT PEOPLE. Like just the other day as I posted this guy went slamming thingin kitchen because I changed my mind about him making me something that could potieanlly make me feel sicker than I already was. The worse part if he hadn't even mixed the ingredients together yet. So it wasn't like food was wasted. He got mean and snappy with me and ( though not included in post yesterday I was just trying to summarize and place focus on the emotional impact it has been having on me emotionally ( almost pushed me ) I moved out of kitchen when I noticed his irritation level rise quick and he went over to the area I was standing like he was going to do something and then he slammed something not far from where I was standing. He raised his voice at me ect


Whats funny is that the house belonged to his mom and is in his name SO IF he is so afraid WHY DOESN'T HE KICK ME OUT or ASK ME TO LEAVE I WOULD HAVE TO. WE haven't been together long enough to be considered common-law marriage. We are boyfriend girlfriend… WHY HAS HE BROUGHT ME BACK TO HIM SENDING TEXTS EMAILS AND BY PHONE TELLING ME OF HIS GREAT LOVE FOR ME AND HOW HE WISHED I HAD NEVER LEFT AND HOW ME WANTED TO WORK THINGS OUUT AND FOR ME TO JUST COME BACK"" SINCE I have been back I have hom recorded saying how happy he is that I came back and that am sweet. Infact eariler yesterday I recorded a conversation we had and am going to do it again today so people know the truth if I ever have to go to court.


Why aren't these grown adults holding him accountable for his behavior ( dispute them being slander about me ). You would think they would say you are ""27"" years older than her why don't you ask her to leave ect"" Or hold him accountable for telling me he wanted to get back together ?? He is not a child by any means. But in this meetings he doesn't yell keeps those mood swings in tact and puts on this passive "ephor" that donkey from winnie the pooh act. THIS IS PSYHOTIC AS h**.


I have him recorded many time esp since I have been back saying how sweet I am and glad am here and were back together that he still wants to marry me and what such a good heart i have ( lies lies lies ). Then he goes and says stuff like he sais yesterday and has to other friends.


In fact i recently asked him on tape if he had ever bad mouthed me to friends HE LOOKED DEAD IN THE EYE AND SAID NO I LOVE YOU I WOULD NEVER DO THAT WHO WOULD DO STUF LIKE THAT"


THen yesterday me sitting on the steps listening to him telling these people I can't break up with her she is manipulating me to stay with her. I supposedly control him lolololololo lololololololololololoololololoolololololololo…………I can't even say what I really feel to him 99% of times and the 1% when i do I get yelled at that am abusing him. oH YES because Him acting out of control or lying to me ( imagine that this little delicate innocent flower that was sitting in the living room al meek and "self controlled" lying let alone slamming things) - Like he just did YESTERDAY !!



So CAN someone tell me who is the abuser, I don't even yell at him no matter how nasty his unwarranted addutide is towards me. So this os one of the games he plays and ways he punishes me for pi***** him off and getting attention. Using me as a means to get the attenion and fawning over he feels he doesn't get enough of.


I am being used as a scapegoat for his purpose. I went down there and was snooping around. I get very mad that he will mourph into a different person and then bad mouth me and lie. i mean its one thing if the stuff is true, but he straight out is a pathological liar. I went down to hide and listen and catch glances in the living room because the more times i see and hear this sid eof him. IT REMINDS ME NOT TO STAY after he comes back up stairs to me and says how much he loves me and that everything is our relationship is going fine ect.



I HAVE RECORDED him with my computer webcam recorder. Saying the exact opposite of things he has told this Jehova Wittness people and his friends..The exact opposite. I WILL EMAIL IT TO ANYONE WHO WANTS IT SO AT LEAST SOMEONE KNOWS AM NOT THE ABUSER /LIAR.


He either has split personalities or is just psychotic and mentally ill. I don't think he is delusional, I think he is a VERY higly intelligent man. He is 27 years older than me. SO he has been around a lot longer than me. he knows the difference between a lie and the truth.


Its funny because durning one part of there conversation the Jehova Wittness starts talking about "abuse is about dominating control ect " and he is in there shaking his head verbally agreeing with a sad look on his face( For a while now( i Have proof" he has been telling these guys he is begin abused. Any time I make him mad, HE says : He is being abused" BUT !!!!!!! What happens in the retelling of the story is he says. I am abusing him then he ( incerts what he does PLUS other stuff that boarders on really messed up because its lies ).. It almost has a comical side to it because he is is bluntly ! BLANTLY lying. not saying half truth half opinion but straight out lying. So teh retelling doesn't say lost my temper adn she told me i have a anger problem. He says I am verbally mentally abusing him and then adds extar stuff for effect


Then he sits there and bases in all the sympathy and attenion and love and " Oh ( his name ) You should leave her. This guy gave him scriptures that prove God wants him to leave the Women he talked about ( I isn't me but if he was with a women that was like that he should leave her just like me being with a guy with those traits he talked about should be left alone. ). OH did i mention I just remembered i did p*** him off right before that m=Jehov wittness meeting but honestly I think it was more one of his moodswinsg personality shifts. I mean it is like living with different personalities. HE is the man nasty aggressive ( his name,) then he is the druge dupe calm ( his name) with modo swings in between, then he is the attention seeker (his name ) then ect ect .


He can go form beige nice and calm to really irritated( not a moderate anger but IRRATED and mean within a matter of 10 mintues shifts sometimes. We sat and watch this movie everything was ok. Then I saw him going into himself again. His facial expressions changed ( classic I have learned what to look for before one of his morphs ) then he goes from being chill and enjoying a movie to this other state in his head and am like ( oh s** not gain). SO right beef this meeting I saw this happening tried some causal conversation about how me liked the movie( i had suggested it) and he gets snappy with me. WELL excuse me fo retrying to have a d** civil converstaionw ith you. He said soothing snappy then todl me as walking away i Have to get ready fo rmy meeting( the meeting with JEhova Wittness every Wes. ). Though i can't think of what happened form watching the movie and me asking how he liked it. This seems to be a precursor for before he is about to bad mouth me. Its like am sure a mood swing but he always works himself up i think trying to find a reasonto justify the verbal asset and slander he is about to do.


And the worst part is then he will come upstairs after the meeting is done with a big grin on his face give me a kiss on the cheek pretending like nothing happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( * * * ). I will ask him questions about stuff i heard or at other times read to see if he will tell me the same thing he bad outsh me about and he never will. Durning the after effect of his high from getting attenion he then comes to me and tells me how much he loves me and am right for him that he wants me in his life and i have a ( good heart) oh bless his heart ( said comically sarcastically ) esp after he just tore apart my reoutaion for nothing. That is what makes him crazy. Its one thing when someone has "done" something wrong to you its another thing when the same pperosn you can in her face sing of your love for tell her how sweet great she is then go downstairs and tell people ( cuz you think she isn't listening) that she is mean and controlling and abuse ect). I have noticed his examples are never detailed and its more of him using words that draw a reacting out of people more than "soild eXMAPLES""


So what bothered me last night is the fact i heard the Jehov Wittnes guy tell him to ask me to leave for his "safety". NOW HOLD ON HERE ?!?!


What type of stuff is he making up ..? I can't hear everything. So there were defentiyaly parts I clearly heard the stuff i did and this was one thing. I think some of this is a result of a pastime I stood up to him and left and told him I was going to speak with a domestic abuse lawyer if he harassed me. ( The first times I left he was throwing glass at me and spitting on me ect ) So I told me I was going to take any threats ect seriously. He would always remind me of his 3 lawyers to try to make me scared of him so I reminded him that there are people who will understand my situation and how he treated me. He always brags about his 3 lawyers having them and havng money and how he let some people get away with doing stuff to him but others they didn't stand a chance. Also I have told him before that eh was being abusive towards me and acting erratic. OH BOY did he go offffff! So this is him trying to protect him self and try ot make me look dumb. He has asked me to meet the people he calls his friends who he bad mouths me too. I think to try to humailate me. He tells me me would never bad mouth em to people yet I see emails texts ect that show he does adn the people he bad mouths em the most to he has wanted me to meet for a long time time but I refuse. I meant the jEHOVAWittness people twice not for long and only spoken to his one friend on phone. The other people i won't meet hang out with ect. They only know what he says about me and non of it good. SO why do it


I think now he is "portraying" through phase information adnslander that he is a abuse vim up until the point of saying i may hurt him…?? This is why its dangerous for me to be around him. Not just the mood swings but when he does stuff like this.


And these people believe very word. i heard the seriousness in there voice. See what i mean. If I leave and go to a domestic abuse shelter( if they ever actually left me in ) andhe takes me to court HE IS SETTING IT UP TO MIMICK WHAT HE KNOWS AM GOING TO SAY ABOUT HIM. THE DIFFERENC AM TELLING THE TRUTH HE IS LYING. ITS all to show me who's boss and to put me in my place( whEN i HAVE STOOD UP TO HIM i THINK E FEELS LIEK AM LESS THAN HIM AND SHOUDL TAKE HOWEVER HE TREATS ME SO HE GETS vendetta for very time i hAVE DONE SOEMTHING LIKE THAT). I really though he forgot about past tinges when we would get back together and he would say we will go see a counselor ect He was sorry he loves me. The whole time he was resenting me as I see now. Why does he think he can take a person and treat her like his proerty and stomp on her spit on her kick her around bad mouth her and his lili pet should say thank you may i Have another or simply just bow down.


He is insane. Me verbally abuse him when half the time I don't even say anything. I literally have had "short lived moments" of standing up to him not a on going thing.


So to say what he said more than once is really making me mad and a little scared because i am realizing am not knowing the extent he is taking his lander against me.

These people have been coming to see him for awhile. SO they have compete trust he is a good guy that is the only side they have ever seen of him. I KNOW LIFE IS UNAFAIR BUT THIS IS F**** RIDCULOUS



So THIS IS WHY am afraid to leave and if i DO EVEN do something if he harasses me. He will pull out all the guns. How long had he beensending emails out and ect talking with people before i FOUDN OUT. What had his twist dmind been saying to get attenion while smiling in my face and saying he loved me.


HE IS TWISTED and I a tried of being the bad guy. I am sick and tired of it. ENough is enough.At first I was going to cry and become really scared and stressed about it and I but you know what he is lying and freaking crazy and I am tried of being tired and scared. These people would come to court and testify as a charter supporter person lol. So me having no family to begging with and my friends being estranged in other states. They can't testify to much and couldn't fly here to do so. He has more leverage than I do in short. This is so messed up. i am not a bad person yet i have to deal with people who don't know me from a can of paint but think they can write a book on me nothing good of course.



He is twisted if you date him he gets busy using you as a scapegoat to get attention when your not around. Say we had a great day heck a great week HE WOUDLD STILL GO AND send emails to people making up all kinds of stuff.


What normal person does this type of stuff…? I have never meant a more mentally imbalanced person. You seek help and advice from people when things are going bad who just does this to get attention.


In my face he is either going off on me or saying he loves me and how great i am and treat him ect then back to yelling at me or freaking out.


Then he goes and does what happened yesterday I think to kinda dominate. hE IS MORE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE with switches into being just aggressive. In his passive aggressive state he will smile at me and say I LOVE YOU THEN VISABALY DRAMATCALLY ROLL HIS EYES ( and if I say anything he will tell me am abusing him because am acussing him of something he did do or mean ). He will do stuff just to see if i will say something or stand up to him. mostly I don't because HE Will WIN. so i EITEHR BACK DOWN OR just don't do anything for fear of more slander our dealing with him being so mean to me.


I am suffering for every amount of anger and pain he is ever had every irratetd and he is finding was mentally to jusifty it lying to himself then sharing it with others.


There is reality and there is fiction. He lives in his own world and plays many personalities but allied back to a angry one who has "unfounded" anger.


Why am I being punished for nothing. I don't derseve the slander or his fake smiles and lying to my face. I have him recorded. I will use it if I ever think I need to. Because people need ot know the truth.


So his other friend has been doing some research for him not knowing what type of person he is helping but not caring ( my bf helps him and his wife with there debts ). Like most people in his life he has helped ( according to his own mouth) with money. Whetehr with this one friend with a lawyer when he got introuble for selling drugs to a undercover cop. My BFS 3 lawyers went to this "friends" rescue. My bf fit the bill. So some people have a undying loyalty to him for past help and future help. He is a calling card foR THEM. my bf LOANED THIS FRIEND MONEY SO HI ADN HIS WIFE AND KIDS could stay in there house. SO HE WOUDL Say anything MY BF told him to. If someone helped keep you out of jail kept a roof over your wife and kids house then who cares how he deals with treats some girl he doesn't even know….




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Do you have evidence of anytime he has abused you? Either physical or verbal, anything recorded?


I am a Jehovah's Witness as well, and trust me, if you have eveidence of any of these things, and take it to the elders of his congregation, they will listen to you and not only your name will be set clean, but they will also discipline him for this behaviour. Aside from that, you have every right to take this to the authorities and to court, and see that it is dealt with by law.


Try first to get some evidence though. There is no point in having suffered this much, to then not have people believe you because you don't have proof of it. As you said, most people only see his good side, and lies etc. This wouldn't go anywhere in court if you don't have some sort of proof. If he is doing these things he deserves the consequences. But before taking it to court, I would talk to the elders, just so that they know who he truly is, and can protect other women in the future from him.


One other thing. Is he a baptized witness? Or he just attends from time to time, never baptized etc? Because if he is living with you, and you two are not married, he should be "disfellowshipped" (i.e kicked out.. kinda.. not rly, but something along those lines). Because the meetings are public, anyone can attend. A criminal can go in there, and as long as he ain't causing trouble, no one will say anything, and would probably greet him in a polite and kind manner. See what I am getting at? If he is not a true baptized witness, odds are the elders wouldn't/ can't do much. If he is however, and you have proof of these things (that he is abusing you etc), he could get in some serious trouble. And if being a witness is important to him, this would probably hurt him more than even going to court.


Also, if you truly are on a vengeance mission lol. In case you take this to elders and they don't really do much. If you do take this to court and he is found guilty of abusing you, you can then take that to the elders, and then yeah.. things would look pretty bleak for him, because he would be someone that is criminally guilty of something. And the least that would happen to him, would be some serious counselling etc, and losing priviledges (like can't comment in the meetings, etc). Most would be disfellowshipping, where even if he were to attend the meeting, people wouldn't even talk to him, because he would be considered bad influence, etc. If you don't know how to find the elders, it is very easy. Go to a meeting with him once, and then ask anyone about who are the elders in the hall, they will point them out to you. Pick anyone of them and ask to talk to them in private, they will listen to you.


Anyway, if you wanted the religious / organizational side of what you can do with this from an inside perspective there it is.

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This sounds like such a toxic relationship. You need to get out of there. I know you don't want anyone to believe what he is saying, but in the end, who cares what he tells people and what they believe. You know the truth and it sounds as though you have evidence. You need to leave this man before you endure anymore of his controlling abuse. You are miserable. Life is too short for this crap.


God Bless

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Hi thanks for responding. He isn't even a Jehova Witness. He talks about them behind there back. I just think he likes a 1-2 hours of someone focusing on him all the attention. They just come out to have bible study with him and listen to him. They hope he is going to join the church but he just keeps leading them on. He may hide certain aspects of his character but he lies and manipulates EVERYONE even theses people. He mocks them and makes fun of stuff they tell him. When he goes to meet with the lets them every now and then "think" there reaching him by agreeing with what they say but then after they leave he and sometimes later on in the week he makes comments that contradict. HE changes he story depending on who he is talking to. When he is talking to me its" ilove you" when am not around it something eles. When they come on Wes. its his little act and pretending he really listens cares" rest of week when there not there he makes comments that would probably hurt there feelings goes on sex sites and porn sites NOTHING CHANGES. So he shows people what they want to see. IN the mean time seeking attention from them. He complained to me about them and expected me to feel sorry for him. I told him no one is making you meet with them ( in a respectful way of course). He got mad and continued to talk trash on them trying to ilicit some type of sign that I sympathized.

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I do have some proof but I think he would be suspicious if i was carrying my computer around having it aimed at him durning a fight. So when i can I do but I have to smart about it. I don't know how he would react in general and esp about the though about people seeing the real him he tries to hide so much. He might really freak out if he ever finds out.


When i do record stuff it is very sly most of the time. I don't want to get caught recording him because I don't know how he would react. he has spent so much time investing in this person who "is not him " acting and lying hiding the way he really is and the lies he tells who knows what he will do if he knew while I was still stuck here.

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Just like no one "makes" him meet with them no one "makes" him chose to be in a relationship with me. Even though he tells a different tory he doesn't want reasonability in the fables storytells he makes up. Honestly I take responsibility for my bad choice of staying in contact with him and getting back together with him and not being prepared for myself if things didn't work out. I realize I put myself in this situation ( not that it justifies his behavior to me he should have respect for human life ect ect ). BUT I realize I got myself into to this and now am gonna have to suffer until I can leave and permanently serrve ties.

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You don't need "proof" that you are being abused. If you feel the way he treats you is abusive.. DONE DEAL. he is.


your brain is all twisted up. He's manipulated your mind to the point that you think it matters what "others" think. that you need to prove who you are and what you are about.


who cares what he thinks? who cares what they think? the question is .. What do YOU think? that's the real question.


if you think he is a sociopath ..i suggest you research and see for yourself.. and if you come to the realization that he is.... then he is.. and get out .. and get out FAST. he will destroy your life.


there are a lot of websites that i will send you in a private message that you can go to .. you can read the signs and assessments. IF you do read the "check list" and you can say that he does more then 3 of the things on the list... RUN TO THE NEAREST EXIT.

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Where am I going to run to right now. I have no where to go. I have made contact with the local shelters. They have told me to keep calling back everyday. Some of them have beds but say that these beds are pre-reserved for women WITH CHILDREN. IT seems because am single no kids I am being put on back burner. I do't understand myself why they can't use the beds for whoever calls first not that I want women in children out in the cold and unsafe. I just feel like if they aren't calling right now or this week why can't I come. I can't fight with them I expressed my frustration as every day I am told to call back again or given the same numbers to same few places in the area and its the same run around. Some are full PEOPLE haev to understand that AFTER women gets in she will have a bed fOR a month or longer. SO think about. Even if am calling every day if a women got in she is going to use her full time there. So I am calling KNOW THAT but things just don't happen overnight. I really need to get out I know TRUST me and HEALINGHANDSWARMHEART YOU ARE SOOOOOOO RIGHT ON THANK YOU HUGS** AND THANKS FOR THE SITES YOU SENT THE BEST I HAVE SEEN DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEY EXISTED.

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THANK YOU Healing HANDS.. YOU ARE FREAKING AWSOME. THANK everyone as well who has taken time to respond. I know you didn't have to take time out of your day to read what I wrote ( its long with spelling errors sorry lol ) let alone respond. I want all of you to know your advice is much appreciated.



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Your welcome. I have been there sweetie.. please know i'm not talking out my rear. I have BEEN there.


MOST abusers will try to flip the script and make it your fault. You also have to remember the handful of times that you defended yourself- you were most likely pushed and provoked.. and while your behavior may not have been one that you'd like to advertise.. know that when you threaten a caged animal.. even the most docile animal... it will kick, hiss, scratch, bite, growl, show its teeth.... because even the most peaceful creatures can only be pushed so far.


STAND your ground. call family, call friends, call wherever you have to. I believe you said you moved from your home city to be with him? can you go home so you can be close to the people who love and accept you rather than going to a shelter? you won't be happy there and when he starts his sad sob BS .."i miss you... love you..you are the only one for me... i'll change.. we'll change..i was wrong.. i'll do whatever it takes" .. you'll need to be strong... youll need support... you'll need comfort. A shelter won't provide that for you.


call home.. call friends.. family.. make arrangements.. not excuses.

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I NEVER THREATENED HIM. and I HAVE NO PROBLEM ADVERTISING HOW I RESPONDED LOL. I told him i can get a lawyer too and that basically everyone isn't on his side. HE always acts like he has complete power and control over everything and everyone. I have never cussed him out I don't yell it does nothing to improve the situation. So I am not ashamed of how i have handled myself besides not speaking up enough because it has made things worse well either way nothing is right about the sisuation

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On the contrary I talked about this in a past post. I grew up in foster homes group homes. I don't have family to run to and never have when things have gone wrong just friends. I don't think you have had chance to read my other post so just saying. Most of my friends are young like me and have there own lives and things to deal with, I don't feel i should burden them. And even if I did decide to try to ask them anything they probably can't. I don't want to put them in a imposition. I understand what you said about the shelter I am not looking forward to going to one. if i find another option I will take it. I hate the idea of going to one.

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I am not making up excuses. If there was somewhere to go i would go but am not going to go live on the street and THERE IS NOTHING I can do if the shelters are full ect I can only do what am in control of and that is make sure am calling everyday so that when a space becomes open i can get it. So I am doing my part including surviving and this site has helped with that so i don't feel so alone and to help direct me.

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Again i know trust me my heart rate and nerves are on end 24/7. But i need somewhere to go i won't go live on street that isn't a safe option and doesn't make sense. I think people think am playing when i tell them i have no where eles to go. I can't sleep eat i don't feel comfortabel here. I amnot making excues i can't control thinsg out of my control . Until i call a shelter and they say i can come in i am looking for other options but i am not just going to leave with no money and no where to go. It is a tuff situation with no easy answered or quick solutions. I am doing th best i can. I post here to vent and get my mind away from it.

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If i had another place to go i would go.... Please believe me. I am not happy i am 24 with hugh bags under my eyes and swollen sometimes cuz i am always crying adn stressed out. I want to be happy i shouldn't be tied to misery esp at this age and time in my life. This should happen to no one NO matter age race religion ect We are all people human beings who deserve the best and to treat other people the same.

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For exmaple: I emailed teh national domestic abuse hotline and ect. I am doing stuff other than just posting on here. I just haven't written about i am going to my faith's sites i am jewish. Ok i am praying and learning about myself and whats going on not just posting on here. I post on here and do other stuff durning the day guys...lol so i am working on it. I think i may be able to leave in the 17th of this month. If everything works out hopefully sooner but if not the 17th i should be free. I [romise i will keep you guys updated ) lova ya guys peace

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I understand what your saying and I have thought about it TRUST ME but I can't go sleep on street ESP not where I am. Its winter here. Also when I leave I need to be in a place I can focus on lawyer help and ect . I think he is planning something too and am scared as h** BUT I also think he is messing up by having me here and letting em record he him. I mean he doesn't know I am but good or eles he would just lie like he always does. Like what would people say when they hear hi say what a sweet person I am ect on tape but then around those same days he sent them emails saying how horrible I am. It can't be both either a horrible manipulative mean abusive women OR I am what he said on tape and what he says in private to me I am a kind hearted good hearted women who is deserving of love ect I have text that say this and on i saw on his phone the same day he sent a text like this to me he sent text to his friend saying" mean things about me". It can't be both I am either this sweet women OR .... It feels like he is taking out years and years of nager adn we haven't known each other for years so he needs to check himself.

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I am so scared he is sneaky and such erratic behavior and is always lying so I never know what is going on and I have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that he is going to try to hurt me. I get get rid of it and it keeps growing.. I can't force shelters to let me stay there again another day of" Call back tomorrow if a emgerncy happens call 911" So wait until a cop has to come and force them to let me in after something happens great ...

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If you keep saying "i can't i can't i can't" you most likely won't.


do you know how many woman/men post on here that they are being abused and TONS of people come and support them.... give them great advice..... talk and listen with them... only for them to disappear and you hear nothing from them for months and months until they come back with the same problem over and over again.


I know this because its what i did.


save yourself the trouble.. its going to end, you are going to have to find a place to go .. NO MATTER WHAT. A shelter is temporary but its not going to give you what you need.


BURDEN your friends.. you need them. ask for their help. Tell them about the abuse and accept their help.

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You know HealingHands is right. Sticking around just to get evidence to bring it to court is not worth your own safety. It's best you get out asap. And in a way I am kinda relieved to hear he is not a witness, because it would be such a hypocritical thing for him to do these things, and also would look bad on us. We take these things very seriously... But yeah listen to healinghands, get out of there asap. The longer you stay, the more you are exposing yourself to being hurt, not just emotionally, things can escalate and get a lot worse.

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