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Hairy Butt LOL


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Don't all guys have naturally hairy butts?.....Those that have experienced puberty at least...? That's what I always thought...and although the idea behind it is not alluring, but as a woman, when I see a guy (ones that I've been with) and they are hairy it doesn't even register as an "eew" factor.

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Next time you are naked with a bunch of guys (I'm talking about the gym changeroom here folks) check out all the guy's butts. 95% of them are hairy.

The hair on our butts is there to remind us that we are but a hop, skip and a jump from our simian brethren. Ahhhh, it's good to be primate.


[yes, I realize this post makes me appear to be a gay evolutionist...not that there's anything wrong with that!]

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I actually had never seen a guy with a hairy butt (in person, anyway) until I met my boyfriend. I was sort of worried it was unusual. But the hair's actually quite soft and lighter than the hair on the rest of him, so I don't really mind. We always joke about how odd it is that he has perpetual stubble (no matter when he shaves or how well he does it), hairy arms and legs, and a hairy butt, yet only has about 4 hairs on his chest. The mysteries of manhood...

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