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Dumped for a new guy - Is this still a rebound relationship?


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I was approached by some one online last night, who sent me a lengthy email with regards to his recent break up (about 2 months ago). Long story short, he was dumped...


He explained that he had fears his ex was pulling away from him before the breakup, and noticed she was spending a lot of time with some other guys. He assured me they were mutual friends while they were together, but when they broke up only his ex saw the "friends" and they didn't want to see him any more. She has since started to "date" one of these male friends (after about 1 month since breakup), and he now fears he might have been dumped for him.


What he wanted to know from me was as follows:


- Was he really dumped for this new guy, or was the new guy simply an opportunist and only made a move once she was single.


- Even if she dumped him for this new guy, could it still be a rebound relationship? I mean things weren't going smooth for them before the breakup, but they did still love each other.


Now, I wasn't sure what to make of this. So I just told him to focus on himself for a while, try NC and then if she really wants him back she will let him know. But I wasnt able to answer his questions...Can anyone on here?


What are your thoughts?

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I'd say the technical definitions don't matter much because it seems very unlikely he'd ever get her back.


To be more specific:


*Only she and the guy she's now dating know if there were sparks and interest before her breakup.


*I don't see how it can be a rebound relationship given the time that's passed and given she was the dumper. Normally rebound relationship is on the part of the person who's really broken up about it, and it doesn't sound like she was.


So yes, your friend probably has to accept that she's gone, and go NC as you suggested.

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Too little information to tell, a month could be more than enough time or it could indeed be a rebound. We will never know, and chances are neither will he


However if they were mutual friends why don't they want to see him anymore and just her? Sounds fishy!

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- Was he really dumped for this new guy, or was the new guy simply an opportunist and only made a move once she was single.


that shouldn´t be the question. don´t let your friend wrack his brains over that. either way she probably would have left him because she wasn´t attracted to him anymore. the new guy could be the reason or just the catalyst.

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