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GUYS who can't get it UP... need your opinions!

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This guy is heterosexual from what i know. He asked me out in a club, we went out on a few dates, and just recently we started making out and were about to have sex. i mean we kinda did, but his penis couldn't stay hard. The whole time it wasnt hard actually. But he instigated the make out session and kissed and moved really well. so i was confused...


We had a conversation before and he said he wanted to get his penis pierced. I thought it was odd because this guy isnt a punk rock star, hes conservative. So i'm wondering if there is a reason he is getting it. For it to be aroused more...?


do you know lots of straight guys who just cant get it up? and if you do, why cant they? physical handicap? mental?


i want to stay in touch with him and still hang out, but im afraid he might be embarrassed. He actually blamed it on too much alcohol, cause we were kinda having casual drinks that night... but i think that was an excuse. point being, he was aware of it.


i would love to learn as much info on this topic as possible.

thanks all

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After having seen the commercials enough, Viagra states it's most likely a chemical imbalance, allowing a partial but not complete erection. You can hint at that to him if you plan on staying with him. But for some males, erectile dysfunction is a problem.

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It actually is possible to have erectile disfuntion after drinking. I think you'd have to be pretty drunk though.


Depresssion or stress can also lead to it as well. Alot of it is actually mental. However, there are some guys who seem to have that problem no matter what. They get turned on quite mentally, but their body does not cooperate. I have a friend my age who told me he has that problem before he started taking different supplements.

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You know, I had this problem a few times. I was with a girl for 5 years and she was not able to get pregnant anymore (tubes tied). So of course, we never used a condom. After split up, the first time I had sex, I had a very difficult time keeping it hard with a condom on.


Some guys need more stimulation than others to keep it hard. Now that I am used to it, its not an issue. Maybe he is having trouble with that?

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It is possibly in his head and could be affected by how much sexual stimultion he is getting. Sex is a mind game, turn on the brain and things get excited. When the brain gets in the way, things don't work well. Drugs can help, but I think part of them is the effect they have on confidence that he can keep it up. Hypnosis tapes mght also help, as might a different approahc to sex. I've known a guy who regular sex did not work for, but if a woman dominated him, he could have used his equipment as a sledge hammer. Drinking could also influence it, but that is probably because it dulls the brain.

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so if the guy seems like he likes me but is insecure about that penile dysfunction, what can i do to help him... make him feel comfortable. I know i want to call him and thank him for a nice night. Should i bring anything up or let him bring it up if he feels like it.


I do like him a lot, and i think that kinda thing is trivial and can be worked out later...


i'm wondering where his head is at now. he rushed out of my place so fast afterwards... i wonder what he was thinking...

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Try to talk with him openly about what turns you on and what turns him on, hopefully you will find some common area that works for both. If you really want to press the question about his erection, ask him if he has erection problems always or just with another person. If he has no problem with erection when he masturbates, then it might be totally in his mind. That is when and how knowing his sexual fantasies would help him and you. Good luck!

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There are plenty of things that could be the problem as you have seen from the previous posts. Is this a one time thing or is it common for him, that will determine the severity of the problem. This kind of stuff can happen from time to time, if it happens more often then you should address the problem. If you really wanted to help him out then im sure you can think of some creative ideas.

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so being gay or bi is definitely not an option in this case? I mean, if he had doubts about me he would not be asking to see me again (3rd date) correct? I have myself doubting myself now. Like, does he like me? does he like women?


most likely he DOES dig me, right? so i definitely should call him tonight and tell him i had a great time...

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