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Is it normal to have an ethnic preference?


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Oh yes VERY common thing.

It is not talked about very often in public because it is shallow but it is the truth.


Otherwise you won't get references like, "She cheated on me and he was black!"


The media can also be and or is a HUGE factor in race promotion too.

Many people can date someone of a different race but when it comes to forever....it is not the case.


Literally all my cousins who are Asian prefer white men and have no interest in Asian men.

I have no answer as to why because they know Asian men brought up in western culture but just don't have a physical attraction to them.


I am half and half mixed race and possibly due to that I do not have a preference.

I have dated Black and white.

As far as I know I do not have a preference over another race.

If I am attracted to them, I am attracted to them.

No discrimination more....meow!

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Yes, I think it's totally normal. The type you prefer to date, or are naturally just drawn to, is your business and yours alone. I am attracted to a certain ethnicity and simply not the others. Is it impossible that I am drawn to others? No...just not likely. I won't date someone I don't find myself somewhat attracted to because, well..it wouldn't seem fair to them, or me. If it doesn't feel right, then don't go for it. Do what makes you happy.

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I think it's very normal.


I tend to prefer people of my own race (I'm white) but I am a little open to others. I wouldn't exclude someone solely based on race or anything.

I have been in a relationship where the guy was of a different race/culture than I was and it led to a lot of cultural differences. So I guess my preference may be based on that.

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It's normal.


As far as ethnic background - if you are not talking about skin color but shared culture - you probably are more likely to meet people of that shared culture if that is the neighborhood you grew up in or went to cultural events so naturally gravitate towards it. As far as ethnicity = skin color, heritege, etc. you probably are more attracted to the group you grew up in or what a lot of your friends were early in life because its familiar. It could change as you get older and meet more people but I think its pretty normal. just as a numbers game

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I'm honestly only attracted to white women/women of European descent. I'm not racist at all, but other ethnic groups/races just don't do anything for me. They might as well be men, that's how unattracted I am to them. Sure I can appreciate a beautiful woman from any ethnic group/race, but I'm just not drawn to them.


I'm white btw.

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i wanna say it is normal, but it creeps me out when guys are all "i really like asian girls and will only date asian girls". esp if they're nerdy white guys who are really into anime.. lolll


LOL Yea I have several guys that said to me. I'm like no. LOL


Every time they say that I go "At least that makes one of us. I like and prefer Asian guys cuz I'm straight. Muwhahaha!"

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i wanna say it is normal, but it creeps me out when guys are all "i really like asian girls and will only date asian girls". esp if they're nerdy white guys who are really into anime.. lolll


Lol interesting since the anime girls have HUUUGE eyes and the Asians have SMAALLLL eyes.

.....I trying to figure out the connection.....

and......nope can't come up with one.

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I'm honestly only attracted to white women/women of European descent. I'm not racist at all, but other ethnic groups/races just don't do anything for me. They might as well be men, that's how unattracted I am to them. Sure I can appreciate a beautiful woman from any ethnic group/race, but I'm just not drawn to them.


I'm white btw.


What about Halle Berry?

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I guess it's weird if you haven't grown up around them. I am pretty much only into white guys, but that's because 90% of the people I grew up around were white.


What makes this worse, which I forgot to mention, is that I'm half-Asian. hahaha. Shameful.


But I have NEVER been attracted to a blond. I don't like the Nordic look. And to be honest, I don't think I've ever been attracted to a non-Western European type. Not into Italians or most Eastern European looks. So, I guess, I am just super picky? hehe

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Oh, I guess what makes this worse, which I forgot to mention, is that I'm half-Asian. hahahahaha. Shameful.


But I have NEVER been attracted to a blond. EVER. I am totally not into the Nordic look. And be honest, I don't think I've ever been attracted to a non-Western European type. Not into Italians or most Eastern European looks. So, I guess, I am super picky? hahahaha.


lol same. i can't do blondes. but i love them italians.. yum~

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I don't think watching anime is nerdy. I watch a lot of it, then again, I'm a self-professed nerd.


I know a LOT of "nerds" who watch anime but the 2 definitely aren't mutually exclusive, since I know people who aren't nerds who still enjoy it.


well i'm a total nerd so there's nothing wrong with being a nerdy or being white or being a guy or liking anime. it's that combo that makes me think .. wahh?

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lol same. i can't do blondes. but i love them italians.. yum~


Too greasy, at least according to the stereotype. And the legitimate Italians from Italy are huge pervs. In America, I think of Jersey Shore when I think of Italians. hahaha. Although, I will admit, I used to think Vinny was cute, before he became a walking STD.

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Too greasy, at least according to the stereotype. And the legitimate Italians from Italy are huge pervs. In America, I think of Jersey Shore when I think of Italians. hahaha. Although, I will admit, I used to think Vinny was cute, before he became a walking STD.


hahahahha. that's hilarious.

yea, my bf is italian and he can get pretty greasy. lol



just for the record, he's not like jersey shore hahaha. i'd so dump him.,

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