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Never going to be good enough!!


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Tulipsfav, I had a friend once that used to say that about five years ago. I worked with this girl and about four days out of the week she would bring this subject up. She is now married with one 3 year old and has another on the way. She thought she was cursed, that she would never find love or acceptance. Well she found it when she least expected it.

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Tulipsfav, I had a friend once that used to say that about five years ago. I worked with this girl and about four days out of the week she would bring this subject up. She is now married with one 3 year old and has another on the way. She thought she was cursed, that she would never find love or acceptance. Well she found it when she least expected it.


Aww that is lovely that your friend found happiness, i feel that i am cursed, any guys that i have been out with want me as a friend, only 2 guys may i add want me as a friend. I have gave up looking for my soul mate, i cant take the rejection anymore.

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Some people do end up alone, but generally speaking if a person expends enough effort not to be put in that position it usually doesn't happen.


I've been alone all my life as well. I'll be 32 this year. Never been on a date, etc. Sometimes it gets me down, but usually I don't let it bother me.

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"Good things happen when you least expect them."


I'm sure your a catch and any man would be lucky to have you, but you need to believe in yourself. Keep confidence in mind when going out, keep true to yourself and do things for yourself whenever you get the chance too. Show yourself that your a prize, because you are and you shouldn't be looking for someone, they'll come your way when your not even thinking about it.


Your great and worth someone's undivided attention, good comes to those who wait.

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Try not to let it bother you. Just keep yourself busy. I say this to a lot of people on here....but a good hobby or two, and perhaps adopting a pet, and volunteering to the less fortunate is a way to get yourself out of the single blues and give a little something back. Being stuck living single can be depressing and stressful, but there are ways to combat it. As soon as I get my own house, I've decided I'm going to adopt a dog from the shelter, just so I can have some companionship.


Don't get down about it. Instead, consider it a blessing in disguise. There are soooo many people out there, myself included that have a tough time in the dating world. It's always a good idea to just keep yourself busy in your "me time"



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