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What do I do about this?


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I'm staying round my cousins for the weekend and we were getting a little bit tipsy a couple of hours ago. My cousin wanted Fags so me and her fiancé went down the road to get her some.

While walking the guy(who I viewed as family and harmless and just friendly) asked me to hold his hand as it was cold I thought he was just being silly so I obliged for a minute, then pulled my hand back.

He then said to me " can u kiss me?" to which I replied no. He then proceeded to ask if I was curious to which I replied no, then said he had been curious for a while.


All through this I made it clear the answer was no and I had no interest and was uncomfortable now which he accepted. But then went on about how he felt guilty and was apologising.


Now I have gone to bed and am writing on here. What do I do? Do I forget it? Tell my cousin? Maybe it was just a drunken thing?

I am supposed to be going to a show with them tomorrow and spent the night again. thankfully no alcohol anymore.


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If he's trying to make passes at you, I can imagine him making passes at other people.


The right thing for you to do would be to tell your cousin about it, let her know that you want her to know the truth and you don't feel comfortable spending too much time with them for the time being.


If she's having problems in her relationship, she needs to address them with him.

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