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My ex and I have been broken up since December, but I still think of him. And although we've dated off and on, I loved him. Whenever I thought things were stronger than before, the underlying problems never went away, they were still present.

It turned out that my closest/best friend knew that he was cheating on me with his ex-girlfriend. Was this out of spite, I dont know? BUt we are no longer friends, and haven't spoken since then either.

Not sure where he got it, but he ended up giving me Chlamydia. I cant seem to get him off my mind, and when I think I am resolved, he calls, and my feelings for him grow despite what he did. How do I get him off my mind, when I know that he is not right for me? He doesn't have my best interests at heart?

I already tried reaching out to her, but she suggested that my attitude was controlling her life-which I think is insane. That she could not remain friends because she needed to put her first, which I have never discouraged. I think she was jealous of my relationship with my ex-however dysfunctional it was. My "friend" wrote me an email saying we needed to talk, as I agreed, but hasn't prompted any conversation. Should I care? I do.

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the best thing you can do is to completely avoid him, don't answer his calls, or talk to him at this point. despite the fact that you've been hurt by your ex cheating and giving you STD, you still care for him. you need to take him off your mind by moving on...go out with friends, meet new people, get a new hobby..anything that will distract. in time, you'll not think of him anymore...


ive been cheated by my ex so i know how you feel. like you i still feel something for him but i know deep in my heart...he's not the one for me.

if you need to talk, you're welcome to IM me via AIM


when one door closes...another one opens.

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