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Maybe I'm crazy or just need to vent

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I am so frustratingly confused about my feelings. I met a great guy awhile ago. We became friends and then started dating about 1.5 months ago.


He is very sweet at this point actually too sweet. It's beginning to get on my nerves. He brings me flowers every Friday and is constantly considerate. I bet you're probably thinking " What's wrong with that?" I can't even understand why he is getting on my nerves.


When we were friends we had so many of the same views and used to laugh all the time. Now it seems like he's a lost puppy dog that follows me around waiting for my attention. I probably sound like a witch. I feel like I'm a witch for being agitated with him.


One problem is that he asks me the same friggin' questions 100 times. Also, anytime that I have he problem, he always has the same response. For instance, I do alot of consulting work and if I have a problem with a client his response is to pat my on the knee (which I HATE) and to tell me "Don't worry, Everything will be just fine." I HATE this! It's like he is completely clueless about the real world. He is the white picket fence, beaver cleaver guy. The one that us girls are "supposed" to marry. I don't know what's wrong with me. I should be happy that I've found a good guy that is considerate and would do anything in the world for me.


Maybe it's true that we all say that we wish we had a nice guy but we really want the one that treats us like crap. God, I would hate to believe that, that is true. I would like to think that I've evolved somewhat.


Sorry that this is so long. I had to vent. I am so frustrated and any thoughts good or bad would be greatly appreciated.

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you know something, us girls have a problem. we love a guy who keeps us guessing. we love a guy who treats us sweet one day and kinda ignores us the next. well if not love, we are definitely infactuated and they leave us wanting more. i think your problem is you're feeling overly loved and smothered. it doesnt make you a bad person, but the fact that these things bother you SO MUCH, like you seem really annoyed by certain things that shouldnt bother you like that especially after such a short period of time. like the knee thing and reassuring you, its understandable that it might make you feel as if he doesnt understand the real world, but you should take it as his pathetic attempt lol and think its cute or at least a good try. but if you're so bothered by it, i think its gone beyond just needing a break. theres nothing you can really do, he was your friend, so he wants to treat you exactly the way you probably described to him lol, but you could try talking to him about it. tell him that he doesnt need to do so much all the time, that reserving it for special occasions is totally okay. and see how things go, its hard to tell you to change your entire perspective on him, give it a little more time, talk to him and see how you feel and if this feeling persists then you know the fair thing for both of you would be to break up.

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Thank you guys for your super input and for letting me vent.


Both of you have really good points. Yes, he's is boring and predictable but I may be able to change that (not him) just help him loosen up a bit. Because we were friends first, we did talk about our "ideal" relationship. So perhaps he is trying to give me what he thinks I want. I think that maybe I will talk to him about what's bother me and let him know that he doesn't have to try so hard to win my affection. Thank you again.



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