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How do I deal with my boyfriend's sister?


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Im 20 years old, and have been dating my 23 year old boyfriend for almost a year. He is currently living at his parents house while he finishes paying off his truck. Unfortunately, his 27 year old sister lives there too, and has a huge problem with me. She refuses to talk to me and talks about me behind my back. She also lies to my boyfriends family, saying I said things that I never did say. I have never done anything to this girl (in fact, my boyfriend told me she would probably act like this before I ever met her) and its really gettong to me. My boyfriend tells me not to let it bother me, but for some reason I cant ignore it. Any advice?

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The problem is with her, not you. If you're always courteous to her family, they will understand, if they have not gathered already, that their daughter has some jealousy issues. Just be as nice to her as you can and ignore any comments she makes, or you could also assertively ask her what she meant by that comment so that she is caught out.

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The thing is... you don't deal with her. You are in a stage of your relationship where you want to impress your boyfriend and his other family members. Don't be sucked into his sister's drama. Let your boyfriend deal with her if you want to be on the rest of his family's good side.

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Wow, you could be my son's girlfriend. We are dealing with the exact same thing right now. His sister (my daughter) can't stand his girlfriend and this has caused a huge rift in the family. They used to be extremly close and now they don't speak to each other because of her hostility towards the girlfriend and even her own brother.


My advice to you, ignore the sister. Don't say anything to her one way or another.

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Well its not necessarily about dealing with her, even though I know that's what I titled this haha. But its more about not letting it get to me. I just go over everything in my head over and over, and get really frustrated because I feel like it will never change.

Thanks for the responses

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Well its not necessarily about dealing with her, even though I know that's what I titled this haha. But its more about not letting it get to me. I just go over everything in my head over and over, and get really frustrated because I feel like it will never change.

Thanks for the responses


Eventually she will learn to like you or just hopefully come to accept you. Do you know why she doesn't like you?

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No, I think it might be a jealousy thing. Shes 27, still lives at home, doesnt have a car, doesnt have a real job, or anything. And she's also a very negative person. So I know I shouldnt take it personally, but it's hard.


Well I think you are handling yourself very well. The family probably already knows and believe me, the way you handle yourself speaks volumes.


She might be jealous, she might feel like you are the one that took her brother away. That is the feeling I get in the case of my daughter. I think she simply hates that her baby brother has a girlfriend therefore they aren't always together like they used to be. They were once upon a time, extremely close now she acts like she hates him and his girlfriend.

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Thank you its good hearing from someone who's in the same situation, just happens to be part of the family. That makes me feel like the rest of his family will be accepting, even if their daughter isnt.


Your thread just really hit home with me. As you can probably imagine, I have been sucked into the middle of their battle. I feel torn because this just isn't the way a family should act.


Just keep being you and being polite. I hope it all works out for you.

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