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Personalities: Extrovert/Introvert


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I find this subject fascinating! For those that have explored this topic online and taken the quizzes (mostly introverts I feel). Or had discussions with others. I feel our society in the United States looks upon, and rewards those that are considered extroverts, hence the introverts are scourned and ridiculed. So when individuals score themselves twords intro. they deny the majority of what they are because none of us wants to be considered "weak" which comes from the extroverts around us. I feel we are a mix of both but a higher mix one way or the other. Ok this introvert wants to know your thoughts. So much food for thought!!!

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I also find it fascinating! I'm DEFINTELY an introvert, and have always been this way. I took an online test, i think it was myersbriggs, found it off google. It described me exactly!!! I love this kinda stuff. I don't know why im an introvert, and why others are extroverts, but i think it's cool ayway. LOL

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I used to think I'm introvert, but lately I'm being told I'm total attentionwhore extrovert kind of thing. lol.

I guess I figured out why I thought of myself as an introvert all those years... when learning something new (foreign language, dancing, playing instruments) I hold back, am shy, avoid attention as much as possible. But when I learn whatever it is I picked up, and become better than avarage, I tend to seek attention. And when I get really good, I tend to go out of my way and be like 'everybody watch me now!''. Guess I wasn't introvert after all, it was just that I didn't like the attention if I couldn't shine. Because I don't like uneccessary critique.

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I'm an introvert who strives towards extroversion. My brother said to me the other day that I need to join in the party not watch from the sidelines and that is me to a T. I tend to think I'm better than other people, family problem really, and have a hard time lowering myself to talk with those I don't feel are up to my standards. However those that are better than me don't generally talk to me either so I'm kind of a loner and don't like it much. I'm going to have to learn to accept people for who they are and not be so judgemental. That might make me more approacheable which is something my mother and brother are but I am not.

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I am so much like the previous poster. I'm introvert and I think highly of myself. I like to watch on the sidelines and I gain my strength when I'm alone. More often when I'm on public I don't find it much comfort even if I'm with close friends and/or family. What's wrong with me?? Lol. I like being introvert though, it's what who I am.

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I'm right in the middle, actually. I love my alone time and quiet and sitting at home but at the same time, I'm very much a people person And don't have a problem talking to strangrrs.


My fiance is very much an extrovert. He can't be alone. It bothers him. I'm housesitting away from home this week so he's at the house alone and its killing him. And he's got 5 days left of this haha. He goes out but he can't stay out bc of our dog at home. So he's going nuts not having much of a social life right now.


I'm also fascinated by the subject of personalities. I'm happy being middle of the road and I enjoy that my fiance is definitelly on one side of the road, but saometimes we clash! Especially when he spends so much free time away from home.

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While I'm fine by myself, my favorite thing is to be surrounded by people laughing and telling jokes. I am an extreme extrovert and I really enjoy life and people. Introverts are fine, also. We will always need both types in any society. So, whether you are an introvert or extrovert, be proud!

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I'm an introvert, and I've found that extroverts do have an advantage in society in just about everything - but that the advantage isn't as great as I previously thought. Many people value and respect your ability to hold back just as much as your ability to make yourself heard - but often being heard is the only way you'll be remembered. Balance is key, play to your strengths.

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I'm definetly an extrovert, but I tend to see different profiles of people as introverts in my work setting (entire family is extraverted). My boss is pretty intraverted but he can speak well and make his thoughts known. He comes accross as professional and put together. There are some other people which are definetly shier, quiet... very hard to understand and sometimes you need to push the issue several times before understanding anything at all.


So while I think intraverted by itself is not a bad thing, the 2nd type can probably hurt you more from a business point of view and have it look as less favorable.

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i actually feel like i can not be defined as either. Any one else feel that way? Sometimes I feel like an introvert and vice versa. I do actually have to disagree with the OP saying that introverts are scourned and ridiculed. I believe that silence sometimes can speak louder than any action. A person who is full of confidence but does not gloat(sp?) just leads by example can be an admirable introvert

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Just because you like alone time does not make you an introvert. I love alone time, but I shine at the social level. I am fine by myself, but even better with others. My brother is an introvert and I can't imagine what it must be like not to know how to just come up with spontaneous conversation starters. I love being an extrovert, not because it gives me an advantage (it sometimes doesn't as female) but because it is fun!!!!

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