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I am going crazy...I need advise

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Okay, I am not literally going crazy...but I feel like it! I have always been able to sleep like the dead, and have never had problems falling or staying asleep no matter what my mood is. I have almost always have had pleasant dreams. My break up occurred almost a month ago....and for the last 2-3 weeks I keep having dreams that will not stop! They are all variations of him telling me he is sleeping with other people. I have never had re-occurring dreams either.


There was the first one where I got into a white van with him, he took me to a restaurant where he told me he was sleeping someone else.


Then there was the one where he was talking about some girl and said "I don't understand her, SHE is seeing about 6 guys and they are all ugly and fat, I don't get it". I asked who "her" was, and he said "oh, the girl I am sleeping with"


The one last night, he was sitting down with a piece of paper writing names down, and I asked what he was doing. (there were about 30-40 names on this paper) and he said "Writing down all the names of the girls I slept with after we broke up"


These are just a sample of all the dreams I keep happening. In the dreams, he NEVER uses the phase, "sleeping with", or "had sex with"....(used that term so this post wouldn't get deleted). The term used in the dream is the f word, in relation to sex (we all know what that is..lol) I wake up not feeling refreshed, and more tired than when I went to bed. I keep waking up with that melencholy feeling. I have no idea how to make them stop...or why my brain needs to keep reiterating the idea he is with other people. Can anyone help!?

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I can so relate to this. When I broke up with my ex I kept having bizarre dreams. Like I would be trying to find him and would catch him out of the corner of my eye but never actually meet him face to face. I would wake up in a complete panic. Thankfully, this only lasted about 1.5 months.


The brain is such an amazing and confusing thing. My guess is that you are releasing stress from your break up via your dreams. It may be the only time that you truly let your guard down.


I recently read an article about getting a good night's sleep. Some of the suggestions were making sure not to watch anything intense prior to going to bed, be careful what you eat 3 hours before going to bed, keeping your bedroom dark and quiet. This article also suggested getting a "white noise" player. I hope that I helped and hopefully these dreams will go away for you soon.



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I can relate also. The first night I broke up with my ex *last sunday* I had a dream that some man was flashing me in my driveway and the ex comes over with a baseball bat and chases the guy away. Tuesday I had another dream of the ex but can't remember details.. just know he was in it. I rarely dreampt of him while we were together now he's been in my dreams every other day which irritates me but what can you do?


I think time and healing will stop those dreams from happening so often.

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My ex is still in my dreams 7 months later...but the dreams have become less nightmarish, or at least they don't bother me like they used to...I used to wake up depressed after a dream...now I wake up sort of thinking "ah it was nice to see her..." okay point is they probably won't last that long but if they do, like they have for me, they become different, sweeter dreams that won't really bother you...

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