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big news, and a set back all in the same day...

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The ex made contact today. He called. I talked to him, I actually wanted to hear what he had to say. He did alot of blaming of course, yet also said he missed me, said he's irritated with me for not being the one to call him. ugh, what the f? Oh I know its a temporary fix to hear him say that he misses me, but of course it soothed my breaking heart for the time being. Right now I have absolutely no clue how I feel, so many mixed emotions...all I know is that my heart is beating out of my chest and the stress is taking its toll on me


Anyway, we didn't talk long, he had to go to work. In the meantime, I get the most random call in the world from an old friend. This isn't exactly a friend I'd trust, known for lying, so I'm trying to remain calm. At the same time, I don't know why she would lie, unless to stretch the truth to get a rise out of me and start gossip. Anyway, the friend doesn't have my ex on her facebook friends list, but said that she's seen his facebook page from time to time and he hasn't had a pic of me and him as his display in months, so she thought we had broken up a long time ago. When I actually had a facebook, he had his display as a pic of us always. I once put a pic of me and a family member as my display and he WENT OFF on me for not having a display of me and him at the moment. I asked this friend if she knew if there were any pics of us at all on his facebook and she said she didn't know, that all she could see was the display. First off, of course he has it changed now, but if he hasn't had a display pic of us in months... uhh??? A little weird.


However, it would still be ok as long as he had photos of him and I in his albums. Also, I do take into consideration that he actually told me to make myself another facebook just a couple weeks before we broke up (I told him I'd rather not). So if he had anything to hide on there, he wouldn't do that, right? Ughh.. the stress is making me literally sick. I needed to vent. Am I going crazy? I trusted him to keep his stupid facebook and I didn't even check it or ask for his password or anything. So I guess I feel like if he didn't have anything to do with me on there, he was up to no good and its a big slap in the face.

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Yeah, supposedly he didn't have a display pic of me and him up ever since I had a facebook myself way back in October. Don't know if its true or not of course, just that sometimes people can be very shady with facebook and if I trusted him to have one (that I never look at or even ask about), he should have at least still had the pics of us on there!


Who knows, maybe he got really mad at me one day and deleted them awhile back. However, he could have added them back. We even took new pictures together last month, and now I'm just wondering if those ever even made it on there. I know it probably seems like I'm over-reacting, but facebook is a very tricky subject. Its like most people can't use it without doing something stupid with it.


Basically what I'm saying is this... If my ex was shady with facebook while we were still together, deleting photos of me and him, just makes it seem like he was up to no good. I'm pretty angry because I feel like he was trying to hide me, for whatever reason. I want to ask him about it but thats out of the question, he would get very angry and probably say a lot of mean things to hurt me even worse.

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We've never had facebook-related fights before, I always trusted him and never asked about his or accused him otherwise. So if he really did delete photos of me and him while he were still together and put on this image that him and I had broken up a long time ago, its just a big slap in the face and its very upsetting. Sorry if i'm over-reacting everybody. I try to stay reasonable but it just sucks to hear things like that.

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lol seriously? Well honestly it wouldn't be a big deal to me except for the fact that when I actually did have a facebook, he *always* kept his display as us, and would get highly upset if MY display pic wasn't of us. Haha this sounds so childish typing it out... I know it shouldn't matter, just goes to show how you can hear one little thing about an ex suddenly it becomes an obsessive thought

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I think it was SA2000 on here who has said "facebook is the devil" lol. I agree. I know i'd probably get a lot of heat from people saying "facebook doesn't destroy relationships, people do." I see where they are coming from but damn, I still just think relationships would be so much better off without them. I swear, when I do get in a new relationship later on down the road, I feel like I might just say "hey, find a new way to keep in contact with people you actually care about, cause I cant be in a relationship with someone who uses facebook." lol, people love it too much though, my butt would get kicked to the curb real quick after saying that I'm sure. damnit.

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