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So so far away

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Hi all, my first post over here. I see it's a really friendly and helpful forum, so I decided to join.


If I go straight to the point... I've met a girl online a year ago and we became very good friends. After a while, I started having feelings for her and told her that. She was a bit surprised, I think, but said she felt something too. Now, here's one of the two catches. She's 16 and I'm 20. And, we're from the opposite sides of the world.


That was the intro. In this year, we talked more and more, e-mailed each other and so on, and right now are very very good friends. We say 'I love you' almost every time now, in mails too, but I'm so paranoid that she probably loves me only as a friend. I feel funny and odd, because I do love her. Maybe it's not the ultimate love, which you could experience in 'real life', but I do love her more then I have ever loved anybody. And I'm afraid to tell her that. To tell her I have feelings for her was one thing, but this. I'm afraid she'll think I'm going too fast or.. I don't know.


We've decided to meet in a year or two and neither of us can wait.


Now, to sum it all up in questions. Do you think it'd be wise to tell her my real feeling? I think she may suspect me, but I'm not sure.


And lastly, I'm very paranoid about not looking good when we'll meet in real life. I have a horrible feeling of looking ugly and stupid. And right now, I feel like I could die if she wouldn't like me.


Sorry for this messed up post, but I can't think very clearly.



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I met my current guy online. People tend to look at you funny when you say it though, like ugh an online thing. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. If you really care about her tell her your true feelings.


The distance is hard though once you get into a romantic relationship. It is hard because you miss the simple things like wanting to hold hands or hug him just.


As far as the age difference, you have to be careful because certian things can be agianst the law or just plain wrong to do with a minor.


Tell her your real feelings. If she says I love you chances are she is feeling the same. Since she is younger though, what love means to her may not be the same way you view love.

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Thanks for the reply, Mercury.


I have to say that 'doing' anything with her is not in my mind at all, if you catch my drift. Yeah well, I'm more of a shy person, so be assured that I don't want to do anything like that with her, minor or not.


And she, she's a young girl but already acts very mature about everything, which I really respect. So I don't think she'd interpret 'love' wrong or in some other meaning (except love between friends, yeah).


Oh and I feel somehow foolish telling her that on the internet. It would feel so much better if it was in real life, but that's still far away.

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wow its amazing how similar your story is to mine. except im the girl. wow. lol from a girls point of view who is in this sort of relationship, i think you should contine to talk to this girl and let her know how you feel. i love the guy that i'm with right now. he lives so far away but we have the most amazing relationship. just the way we've gotten to know each other. and i'm sure you know what i mean when i say you know this girl like no one else. and she probably knows lots bout you. and about the whole "scared that you look horrible" dont worry about that. i tell you that from experience.

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