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Does progressing to the next stage of the relationship scare him?

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Does progressing to the next stage of the relationship scare him?


We had been dating for just over 2 years and had decided that we wanted to buy a house together. Over the summer, we got a real estate agent and started looking for a house. We fell in love with one house and he said that he saw our future together ... us, a house, a dog, a bbq...


The house hunting was put on hold as my workload began to pick up at work. I also felt that we needed to save a little more so that we wouldn't be house poor.


Fast forward to November when he initiated a break up. He said that he has had two contrasting feelings going on since the summer. He wasn't sure that we were connecting and/or if he was in love with me while and at the same time, he felt the need to build a life together...


NC for 10 days. He's swirled into depression ... confused, mixed-up, broken and doesn't want to drag me down.


I want to help him but know that I can't play the rescuer.


What happened?

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