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After a great weekend with nightout, concerts, trip to other city and lot´s of fun I got home and I felt empty.

It´s been 3 months after BU and it got a lot better I dont Feel that pain in my chest anymore and I can see my life without him, but with xmas arriving and this holiday spirit everywhere I feel nostalgic and I miss him and the way I used to feel so complete and happy.


I think this is a pointless post I just needed to share with someone what Im feeling right now.


It will get better I know and I hope it´s not too long.


Thank you for reading

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Its not a pointless post, actually by speaking up whats on your mind helps you as much as if you were asked for an advice.

I know it is sux the way you feel, and no "it will better" phrases would make you feel any better, think about it this way, right now you are in a stage where you have to suffer in order to get better...

Rather than telling you that it will get better, i will give you a better advice, try to spend as much time as you can with friends, right now you can feel either bad or very bad, you can make it only bad but turning to friends and spending time with them, there is no magic potion unfortunatelly.

Write here as much as you can, talking is a well known therapy that greatly helps you with your anguishs.

Wish you best of luck and hope that you will get better as soon as you complete the course of tourment that we all have to complete before we get better.

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Hey serendipity,


Having a rough night too so I'm right there with ya...it was this time last year that the ex and I started falling for each other. Crazy to think about where the time goes! Ah well, I'm 3+ months out of the breakup now and I've done near-perfect NC, while she's still trying to talk to me every week or so while she has a boyfriend.


What I've learned is to really count my blessings and see how lucky I am. Yes, I am without a sweet, good-looking, loyal girlfriend. But I did just graduate college 2 days ago, I got a new car yesterday, I have a great group of friends and an amazing family, and my post-graduate situation for 2011 is looking awesome! So whenever I'm feeling down this holiday season (which I'm sure I will from time to time), I will just remember to "count my blessings".

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Not a pointless post, that's what this forum is here for. 8)


I'm 4 1/2 months out of a 1.5 year relationship with a guy who swore up and down that we were soul mates, meant to be, our futures together were written in stone...we still have frequent contact, most of it initiated by him. I'm finally starting to get to a point where I don't think about him all day, every day, and I can picture life without him. But, I have bad days, and in fact, I had one yesterday. All I can promise you is that the bad days WILL get fewer and further between...perhaps not as fast as you'd like, but, it WILL happen. Hang in there.

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Congrats on your progress so far. It's always helped me to view first holidays after a breakup as milestones that I'm taking back for myself. I don't know that this makes the sentimentality any easier, but it toughened me up in some respects so that I wouldn't indulge in too many memories. I was determined to make new memories with the people who love me, and this helped me keep my focus on them.


In your corner.

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