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almost there... forgiveness is my final challange.

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My emotions in order since break up in July.


1. anger

2. shock & denial

3. pain & guilt



1. anger

2. pain & guilt

3. denial




2. pain & guilt

3. depression



1. anger

2. acceptance

3. depression



1. anger



1. anger


(I hope to reach the final stage soon, forgiveness, because I feel like it's holding me back from opening up again)



Maybe it's still too soon, but I'm to trust guys again. I'm always trying to find something wrong with them. I want to open up, but I'm scared to fall in love again. I hope I will eventually grow out of this, because it's sad. . .


I'm probably 99.9 percent over my ex. I want nothing to do with him... ever! But, that .1 percent is me holding on to anger and the pain.


For the most part, I can function fine everyday. But, every so often, that .1 percent creeps up and It feels like I'm back to square one.


I guess I have to work on forgiving. When I can do that, I'll be free...

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Looks like I'm in for a long ride


So far its all anger, resentment, and sadness for me, but it's only been a week. At least she is giving me some space so that makes it a bit easier. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I think the anger helps to move on but can be really draining if you don't let it go.

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forgiveness is the stage i'm waiting to reach as well. i'm slowly trying to get past the anger stage right now. i'm trying to shed the anger so that it doesn't turn into bitterness because i don't want to any of it hanging on to me when i get into my next relationship (whenever that will be).


right now, i'm waiting to get to the point where i can actually wish happiness for my ex. where i can wish him luck in finding the kind of love that he is looking for. i can't fully feel that yet. my therapist said feeling that will ultimate come with forgiveness. forgiving him for breaking up with me. and ultimately, forgiving myself - for trusting him, for allowing myself to love him, for investing so much time and emotion in him, etc.

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