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Maybe this was what my ex went through... hmmm. Tables turned.

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I was not really the dumper, but I was dating a guy who seemed to have mood swings. He was always hot and cold. And when I give him space, he turns it around on me and says I'm the one being distant.


Anyway, my ex used to say I was very extreme. When I got mad, I just wanted to quit and leave or just not talk about it etc. He was not perfect either, but this was one thing he hated about me.


I'm now in his shoes, because the guy who does the same thing comes off as childish and annoying. Instead of texting me "whats wrong?" He assumed that I was mad at him etc, and said "whatever happened, I just want to say I wish you the best."


He jumped to conclusions and assumed I don't want to talk to him anymore, and when I tried to explain that I did it, because he came off cold. He denied it, and said he was tired of chasing and he's done explaining. This is not the first time I've seen him this dramatic.


The thing is... I'm so turned off by this behavior, that I don't really care that he's leaving me alone.


Maybe this is why my ex had such an easier time moving on. . .

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Communication is definitely strained, and I'm not ready to put forth the effort to make it work. I guess I'm tired of doing all the work again...


I'm taking a break from dating. Being single is so much easier! ugh.


Hehehe absolutely darling! ;] Date while you can and hangout whatever! Before commitment comes knocking at your door.

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