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if you and a friend (just a friend) have an argument or disagreement of some sort, and feelings are hurt (just verbal stuff, nothing that happened like cheating, backstabbing, etc) - and the person says that they forgive you, but walks away and decides never to speak to you again - is that really forgiveness?



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if you and a friend have an argument or disagreement of some sort, and feelings are hurt (just verbal stuff, nothing that happened like cheating, backstabbing, etc) - and the person says that they forgive you, but walks away and decides never to speak to you again - is that really forgiveness?




Yes and No.


Yes, because the person is letting go of the act you did.


No, because the person is letting go of you and friendship/relationship.


Your definition of forgiveness is Pure Forgiveness. You're looking for forgiveness where someone forgives you and keeps you in their life.

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Doesn't seem like they have totally forgiven you. Maybe they want to, and maybe they want you too feel better by saying they forgive you, but if they are still hurt, they can't force feelings that aren't there & you can't really force it either.

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