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Understanding jealousy of dumper

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My ex broke up with me because something was missing. She didn't feel that she was in love with me and so told me that she didn't want to be in the way of me meeting someone else. She insisted that I find someone to make me happy. I was hurt because it felt like she had feelings for me but I moved on.


We have the same group of friends and almost a year later it's gotten out that I have a new girlfriend and we're serious. Suddenly my ex is trying to get in contact with me after seven months of no contact save for seeing each other from afar when out with friends. A few of her friends told me that she misses me and wants to talk.


Why now? She told me that she wanted me to find somebody and so I moved on to someone new and now she acts like she wants me back? What's up with that?

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I don't plan on it but we're still early in the relationship too. I still have feelings for my ex and only recently accepted that we'd never be together. It just leaves me perplexed.


If the current person is treating you with respect. Stick with that person.


If the person is being disrespectful, leave.


Then your ex can play her game with you.

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I guess it's probably safe to assume that it's one or both of the above rather than her finally realizing that she still has feelings for me?


If she still has feelings for you, would she needed to wait 7 months?


If she still has feelings for you, did she confess to you she's sorry how things turn out and that she wants to work the relationship out?


If she still has feelings for you, would she ever leave you behind in the relationship?


Don't rationalize her reasons behind her thoughtless actions and expectations. Unless you want to look like Albert Einstein. Go for it.

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I guess it's probably safe to assume that it's one or both of the above rather than her finally realizing that she still has feelings for me?


Yep. Our ego often wants us to believe that the ex still has feelings for us, but its all ego man, don't let it mess up with your thinking and emotions. All ego. I hate my pride and ego lol, always messes my brain up.

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