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i want to tell my story here because i dont have anyone to give me advice ok here goes.

I met this girl 3 and a half yrs ago we met at a pub i looked at her she looked at me and i can tell you this i knew then she was the one for me i know this sounds crazy but its true

we got talkin and every thing she liked i liked.we swaped numbers i called her a few days later but she wasnt very talkative she said i will see u on the weekend and i did.

She was so honest with me telling me she had just come out of a 5 year relationship so i said thats fine you need your space but we still stayed in contact after a few months she faded away and started going out with some 1 else so i thought it was over.

5 months later i was walking home from somewhere and she past me in car and seen me next day i had a message on my mobile from her sayin she was staying near by i was well happy we met that weekend at the pub just chatted for a bit then she said lets go out in the car sometime we did we could stay away from eachother we were crazy in love.

Then after a few months we got a place together it wasnt amazing but atleast we were together everything was ok for a while then i started having late nights and sleepin late in the morning i lost my job then we were having money problems i was still sleepin late in the morning and not trying my best to find a new job it was fair on her because i was being lazy and not pulling my weight then we started arguing because of it but still stayed together.

Then one day she come home and said to me im pregnant i was so happy so was she but then i thought i have no job and we are living in this small house what will we do.

She was still working after a few weeks i got a job its was ok for a while then i was starting to slip again so i lost that job.

Me and her were still arguing bout life and money one day i went out and come home to nothing she had left me and gone to her parents i was devastated she took everything because it was all hers and believe me this was all my fault we still chatted on phone she said she missed me and if i got a job she would give it another go.

I got a new job and we moved into a very nice house it was perfect for me her and our daugther to move into we did it was good for six months then i started going down hill again i was depressed so was she i was failing to provide for my family again.

We started arguing and not being as lovers should be we feel apart again it was my fault again i was not pulling my weight i was being lazy and i wasnt spending much time with her at all i would go out all the time and she would sit at home alone with our daughter so one night she came home from work and said thats it its over she made me move out and here i am now all alone without my family i have treated her so bad and she deserves better. We have so much together 2 cars , our daughter , a house ,furniture, and now its all messed up i really want her back but she says its to late she wont ever take me back cause of what ive done to her she also says she dont love me anymore its been 5 weeks since we split up.


This is my story as short as i can explain it im 24 and not the best typist in the world i hope you understand.

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What made you "lazy"?


Why did you keep slipping into that pattern of losing jobs?


She gave you a couple chances already, I know you put some effort into it, but it kept faltering.


She really seems like she needs some stability in life and you don't seem to be able to provide it. Try to fix whatever is making you mess up.

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