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I don't think I'll ever find love again.

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Guys im 24 years old and my ex she broke up with me 7 months ago and I feel very hurt and alone still. We were together for one year.


Due to my social anxiety and depression I feel like I will never find another person to love and forever stay locked in my basement. Its hard enough for average functioning people to find love.


But for me its a nightmare to get back on the dating horse. I have this overall feeling and fear that I will never find another woman to love again.


I am 24 and I've been single for 7 months and i hate it. I want to be intimate with somebody already.


Anybody else going through the same thing?

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Guys im 24 years old and my ex she broke up with me 7 months ago and I feel very hurt and alone still. We were together for one year.


Due to my social anxiety and depression I feel like I will never find another person to love and forever stay locked in my basement. Its hard enough for average functioning people to find love.


But for me its a nightmare to get back on the dating horse. I have this overall feeling and fear that I will never find another woman to love again.


I am 24 and I've been single for 7 months and i hate it. I want to be intimate with somebody already.


Anybody else going through the same thing?


You're not alone. I'm 23, and also suffer from social anxiety and depression. Going on 11 years now. I'm in counseling, I've told everyone I know about my issues, and found out 3 weeks ago that my ex of one year was cheating on me.


I feel your pain.


However, I discovered 2 years ago, after being single for 10 months from my first relationship of 2.5 years, that I couldn't go on being a hermit forever.


I longed for contact. Any contact. In fact, I was 100% desperate for contact, which is how I ended up in the last 2 relationships I've been in.


Now, though, I've been taking a few supplements that have seriously helped with my anxiety and depression. Do a bit of research into L-Theanine and Vitamin D deficiency. I take Theanine for anxiety (100mg every 6 hours) and 5000IU of Vitamin D daily for depression.


As soon as I started the Theanine 3 months ago, my friends took notice that I was more relaxed. The day after I started the Vitamin D last week, I felt great, and received a huge compliment from a girl I'm very attracted to at work... just because I held myself more confidently that day. It was amazing.


If you think you can't get out of the rut you're in, seek help from family and friends to help bolster your spirits a bit. If the depression has been lurking for a long time, as mine has, consider looking for a therapist or seeing a doctor. There are plenty of other things you can do, as well, such as joining a gym (highly recommended), joining a club, playing a sport, or just finding a new hobby or activity that will have you interact with new people of both genders regularly.


One of my biggest saviors was joining a dojo and taking a non-contact kickboxing class. 1 hour a day, 5 days a week. I got into great shape, met a lot of cool people (mostly women) and I felt fantastic both physically and emotionally. My confidence sky-rocketed, and I had dates lined up quickly for the next few months.


Seriously, you're not alone in this. You just need to get out of the basement and DO SOMETHING. Things will change if you allow them to.

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I have that fear every time I don't have a boyfriend, and then I end up clinging to the boyfriend out of fear of that FEAR! You're only 24, and although I'm only 23, we both have to realize we're still so young. You met her, didn't you? She dated you, didn't she? She is not the only person in the world who will make that choice. And you won't be alone forever. Everyone says it happens when you're not looking....that's how I found my ex... completely unexpected. It's difficult, but do things you like. Be selfish for a while. Write a list of all the good things you have. Your social anxiety does not define you. Who are you as a person? Take this time to learn yourself, so when you meet another person, you're not asking them to define you.

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Do a bit of research into L-Theanine and Vitamin D deficiency. I take Theanine for anxiety (100mg every 6 hours) and 5000IU of Vitamin D daily for depression.


Yes, yes, and YES!! It sounds too easy, but, it's true. So many of us don't get outside in the sunshine like our ancestors did, especially if we live in an area as I do, with little sunshine many months out of the year.


I can personally attest to the fact that when I start taking Vitamin D, my entire mood changes for the better. I have more energy and more motivation.


Please consider it. It can't hurt to TRY. 8)

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Your only 24 years old honey, you have the rest of your life ahead of you to find love.. it is NOT to late. I promise, there are people you have yet to meet.. there are places you have left to go... YOu will find love agian!!! Have you talked to a threapist or tried online dating or something like that? There are more new and improved ways of dating now so that you dont have to go to a bar or anything like that and wait for someone to talk to you

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I am feeling the same way. It is so good to hear about the Vitamin D and the Theanine... thank you. I am about to start Lexapro but will probably give these two a shot first.


Everything is so sluggish and slow, isn't it? I meet plenty of guys but I'm not interested in any of them. I have nothing against online dating, but I don't even have a job right now and I'd really like to get that taken care of first... ahhhhhh... things HAVE to get better soon....

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....5000IU of Vitamin D daily for depression....



I, too, am on 5000 IU of vitamin D, suffering from a severe deficiency due to living in the Pacific Northwest and having a sun allergy (so even when the sun does shine, I have to protect my skin). I haven't noticed a change in my mood, but I wasn't in a dark place when it was discovered. I did, however, start on 5HTP, fish oil supplements, and a few other things to help with my brain function.


A happy brain is key to a happy life. There are supplements proven to be helpful for anxiety disorders. I'm sure fish oil/omega fatty acids were one. Look for Your Brain In Love on PBS (or Your Brain....something/anything....featuring psychiatrist Dr. Amen - he's all about supplements for better neurological function and brain health and has done several PBS shows on the subject of brain function).

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