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My name is Jordan, and I've cut myself for about 5 months. I started when my best friends my died. She was like a mom to me so it hurt a lot. I play softball and one of my teammates saw the cuts and said something to me, the weird thing was she did it to. So we pretty much take care of each other, we take turns bringing bandaids so nobody will see the cuts, she was using scirrors so I brought her a pocket knife. She helps me when i'm crying and when i need someone to talk to about it. I would really like to stop if anybody could help me please give me some advice.

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Punk, please do not do this to yourself anymore. It is good that you realize you need to stop this behavior, and you may need some professional help to do so.


Cutting is usually a way to escape unbearable pain and anxiety. You said you started cutting when you were hurting so badly over the death of a close friend. You resorted to physical pain to relieve the emotional pain you were feeling. Is this the reason who are still doing this five months later, or are there other issues as well? People who cut themselves are almost always dealing with some very serious emotional pain, and frequently this pain has been caused by some sort of abuse, either physical or sexual.


I do think that making a pact with your friend to both stop cutting yourselves is a good idea, but the cutting itself is not the real problem, rather it is a symptom of other problems. You need to find a way to get to the bottom of what is hurting you so badly.

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Cutting is never the way. I do it too. Started when more happened in my life than I could handle. Sounds like your friends death caused a lot of pain you are having a hard time dealing with. Physical pain can dull emotional pain, but it is a temporary fix and in the end, it feels worse.


It is great that you have someone who can relate and understands. I think you need to talk out how you feel and get rid of some of the emotional pain then you might be able to stop.


Be careful. It is addictive. And eventually it gets where little bits aren't enough and you get worse. And then you can't go with out doing it. It makes you feel in control of your emotions and just yourself.

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I know exactly how you feel...my friend used to buy me tylenol to help me sleep...but if anything is going to help you its either yourself or your parents....the only reason people cut themselves is becuase they cant handle the emotional pain so they take it out physically...a technique that is introduced to us early in life.....if you need me im here for you; my friend is the onyl reason i stopped doing it so if you need anyone; i can help you if you want

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I know exactly how you feel.i used to cut and so did my friend but we made a promise to each other.We said that w/e one of us felt the urge to cut we would call each othe no matter what time or when so we could talk.You should bring this idea up with your friend.But in the end the only person who can help you stop is yourself.Us here can open a dor but you are the one who has to walk through it

Good luck


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Hi. First, take a little comfort in the fact that you have someone there for you. (there are some people who go through this type of thing entirely alone) The fact that you have someone like you, supporting you, that should help. If you want to quit, you need some motivation. Either do it for your friend, do it for yourself, but having a reason will help a lot.

Just letting you know, I cut too. I've never tried to kill myself. This is my 2nd or 3rd time trying to quit cutting. I don't know why I'm trying right now, but I am. Here to talk anytime...



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