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On the eve of the 9th week of NC and get this...

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Okay. Well everything eevryone says is really true. I never believed that this would happen to me but it just did. When you finally feel like you are totally getting over your ex, and are happyw ith everything in your life, and like other guys... they come around somehow. I didn't think my ex and I would ever speak to each other again.. If you want the details of our history feel free to read my past posts if you have patience. But basically he has someone new, for the last few months. He was very rude to me the last time we spoke and after experiencing more pain than ever before, i decided it was better if we didn't talk at all this summer. So i had blocked him online, the only way we really communicate when we are at home (neither of us are phone people).

So, i just started working at this job and I have been having fun and talking to a lot of different people. Even developing crushes, and having a very happy dream about one in particular just last night. My ex bf just imed me under his other screen name that he barely ever uses. Its been 63 days, i thought it was just dead but he imed me .. "ha..you did block me." and then i signed off not knowing what to do but signed on because i did not want him to think he affected me.. and tthen he imed me.."that's waht i thought.." and that was it. I didn't say one word to him, nor did i block him. I just didn't care to say anything to him because I feel like I am so strong and have gone so far already, why ruin all of that. And I didn't want to block him because then that shows there is still some emotion.

Well i don't know why he imed. Not sure if I really care. Just think its funny how I truly believed we'd never speak again, and when you move away from them they just know. I guess from here I do nothing and Just keep on progressing away from him. But i wanted to share my little story for all those who have kept up with my posts.

On a last note, I wasn't even happy or excited that he imed me. I was mostly unaffected, and I guess thats because I really have let it go. If anybody has comments, i'm all ears.



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I'm not so sure I would've been as composed as you! Well done smiles314.


Not many people appreciate just how hard it is to maintain NC without going through a hurtful break-up themselves. It's a hard thing to do, and I'm glad that you didn't waiver.


I took interest in this thread (because of the topic) 'cause I too am just over 9 weeks into NC. I myself am still adjusting to my break up, however. I haven't read your previous posts -- you might've known about the break-up longer than I did before you employed NC (I started it the day I was dumped) -- but I'm impressed all the same! I just hope I'll be at the same place you are mentally in the coming weeks!


Thanks for that little tid-bit. Keep is posted.

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Thank you for your post. It is very encouraging, and I never heard the nine week rule until now. I guess it makes sense. But I was heartened and cheered to hear you handle it so well. It gives me hope.


My ex has a new gf, and I have not spoken to him in about a month. So (looks at watch) five more weeks to go. Heh. I hope if he does contact me, I am as unaffected by it as you.


I won't hold my breath though. He's a Scorpio, and they tend to move on and not look back.

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Wow, smiles....first or all good for you!


second of all, boy are you right!


i've been broken up with my ex for almost 3 months now.....the last 2 months we have supposedly been on no contact......it seems like every time that I start to move on with things, she has some sort of 6th sense and realizes this, so she sends me an email (probably the only way she could even attempt to communicate since i would ignore a phone call --caller id--and have blocked all screennames....there probably is some way to even block emails, but I don't really feel like researching that)


At this point, I do think no contact has worked....now when i get an email from her rather than flip out and immediately want to shoot myself, i read it the way I would any other email which is much more objective and much less emotional that I had been before.


Still, I just think its crazy how she always finds the "right" moment to try to contact me after a few weeks of not speaking at all......Because for a long time, it really was the type of thing where I felt lousy, went to no contact, felt better, then I would get an email which would bring up lots and lots of emotions all over again.....what a 6th sense! (i think this is much scarier than "i see dead people")

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